Chapter 44: Finale

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Albedo, Asami, and Reina found themselves standing behind Lady as they faced down Nyx Bellathorne. The fact that it was four-on-one didn't seem to phase Nyx at all. In fact, she almost seemed excited about it. She stood there, a short distance away, swaying from side to side with a smile on her face. "What's her deal?" Albedo asked, "Everything you throw at her, she just heals right through it! It's impossible to damage her!" Asami answered, "Oh great, so we're basically fighting Moona...again." Albedo said. She looked Nyx up and down, trying to locate any source of her regenerative abilities. "Huh...I don't see any gems on her or anything that could be giving her that regenerative ability. But there's no way it's natural...right...?" She thought to herself. Nyx suddenly laughed, before returning to silence. "Is something funny, Nyx?" Lady asked, "Nah, I just remembered a joke, that's all." Nyx answered. She grinned wider than any normal person should have been capable of, sending chills down Albedo's spine. "This girl really is crazy..." She thought to herself. All of a sudden, Nyx was right between them! "She's fast!" Albedo thought to herself! Nyx kicked out at her at an incredible speed, sending her flying back into a nearby wall! She then delivered a knee to Asami, before spinning around to punch Reina! Lady dove right in the way, blocking her strike! Albedo recovered from the kick, looking over at Asami. "You couldn't have mentioned how fast she is?!" She asked, "Sorry, I was too busy trying not to get fucking murdered to notice!" Asami answered. Lady was completely on the defensive, blocking a rapid barrage of strikes! "I'm not in the mood for this, Nyx! Back down!" She exclaimed. Nyx merely laughed, offering no other response. She seemed to be enjoying herself. 

Reina took swift notice of an opening and decided to take it. She ran off in the direction Raime went, hellbent on getting revenge! "Reina, wait!" Lady exclaimed! But Reina wasn't listening. She continued onward, sprinting away at full speed. "Go after her! I'll handle Nyx!" Lady exclaimed. Albedo and Asami rushed off after Reina, only for Nyx to suddenly dash in front of them! "Now where are you off to in such a hurry? The fun is riiight here..." She said, "Get out of the way you fucking psycho!" Asami responded, "Hehehe..." Nyx only laughed, approaching them menacingly. Seeing no other choice, Albedo took a few swings at her! Nyx didn't even bother dodging or blocking. Instead, she walked right into them with a laugh! She healed immediately, shaking with excitement! "What the fuck...?!" Albedo asked. She was hardly in a different scenario from when she was fighting Moona. Both Moona and Nyx possessed this regenerative ability. But something about Nyx was completely different. Whether it was the way she didn't bother blocking as Moona did, or perhaps the enjoyment she got out of her pure bloodlust, something about Nyx was terrifying. It felt like no matter what Albedo did, she wouldn't defeat Nyx. Despair began creeping into Albedo's mind as she backed away. This situation was reminiscent of the wars with the Snake Kingdom, and even her fight with Vaani. The way they just kept fighting regardless of the wounds they was all too familiar. The despair was completely distracting. She took another step back, her weapon arm falling to her side. Her heart was pounding...she couldn't do it. She couldn't fight someone like this. Nyx pounced toward her, her hands turning to draconic claws ready to rip apart their prey. 

"Albedo!" Asami exclaimed, trying to get her attention. But it was hopeless. She was completely lost. Lady rushed over to help, but she wouldn't make it in time. Even with her speed, Nyx was simply too quick. Her claws dug into Albedo's stomach, causing blood to spray out! She laughed as she removed her claws, now coated in the aforementioned blood! Lady dove in front of Albedo to defend her, but the attack had already been landed. Albedo let out a few whimpers of pain, stumbling back. "Albedo!" Asami shouted! Albedo lost her footing, falling right on her tailbone. She looked past Lady and toward Nyx. She looked at the blood on her claws with a smile, before licking some of it off. "Mmm...I just love the taste of fresh blood..." She said. She wriggled her claws, flicking some of it off as she made eye contact with Albedo. "I'll draw more next time." She said. Albedo crawled back a few paces, her eyes widening. Blood poured down her stomach and into her lap. A single glance at it caused her mind to go blank. Did she allow Nyx to stab her by getting distracted? Or was Nyx simply that much better than her? Her mind could only assume the latter, and it terrified her. Asami knelt down by her side, examining the wound. But Albedo hardly noticed. She was struggling to form a coherent thought. Terror was completely consuming her. Lady, on the other hand, was unphased by Nyx's crazed antics. "Nyx, I'm warning you now. Back down, or I'll make you wish you couldn't regenerate." She said. At that moment, a few familiar faces appeared from a nearby alley! It was Kei, tailed by Gabriella and Lucille! They rushed out of the alley, looking between Lady, Nyx, and ultimately Albedo and Asami. "Albedo!" Kei shouted, rushing over to her side! Gabriella and Lucille took Lady's side, aiming their weapons at Nyx. 

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