Chapter 27: Love Like Fire

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After bypassing Ash, Gabriella rounded a corner that led to another decent-sized hallway. This one was void of windows and led solely to one area behind double doors. She approached the doors, though every step she took grew harder. The poison was approaching its peak. But she had to keep going. She had to save Lucille, no matter what. She kept pushing forward, bursting through the doors with all her strength! The doors led to a small office, with bookshelves in the back and a desk in the center. There were a few paintings in the room, all of which depicted Anwir in various poses. He certainly loved himself. He was standing behind the desk, putting papers into a bag when she entered. "Stop right there...!" She exclaimed. Her eyes scanned the room, landing on a familiar face in the corner! It was Lucille! Her wrists were bound, and an enchanted collar was wrapped around her neck. Her legs were bound to a chair, preventing her from moving. Upon seeing Gabriella, her eyes lit up. "Gabriella!" She exclaimed, "Lucille!" Gabriella responded. She pointed her sword at Anwir, who was already holding his hands up. "Give her to me! Right now!" She exclaimed, "You filthy think you would go to such lengths for a pet!" Anwir responded, "She's no one's pet! Least of all yours! You can't just put a collar on someone and treat them like an animal! You have to be a special kind of monster to think that's acceptable!" Gabriella exclaimed. "Monster? Pfft, don't make me laugh! They were always inferior creatures! You believe these filthy creatures are our equals? They have animal blood in them, animal parts, yet you see them as being equal to other Humanoids? You wouldn't think twice about seeing an average dog or cat as a pet! What difference does it make if that dog or cat can speak?! They are inferior! They should be grateful I took them in!" Anwir responded.

"Why?! So they could be experimented on?! So they could be turned into monsters?!" Gabriella asked, "Their lives were a small price to pay. They were as their kind shall always be; inferior." Anwir answered. Gabriella took a step forward, only to stumble to the side! She caught herself on the wall, causing him to laugh. "That useless bitch actually did a number on you, didn't she? Perhaps I'll collar her too, someday." He said, "You aren't going to collar anyone else...! Hand over Lucille! Or I'll kill you here and now!" Gabriella responded. Anwir walked over to Lucille, cutting her bindings and shoving her toward Gabriella! "You want her?! You can have her! I don't care how much that creepy ass old man promises me! This isn't worth the trouble!" He exclaimed, "What old man?" Gabriella asked, "If I had any idea, I'd tell you. But I don't. So you can take your little Neko and get the fuck out of my mansion!" Anwir answered, "No! I'm not letting you get away with all the things you've done! You're going to rot in prison for this!" Gabriella exclaimed. Anwir slammed his fist on the desk in frustration. "Will you fuck off already?! You got what you wanted! She'll be here soon enough! And trust me, I'm much more concerned about her than you!" He exclaimed. All of a sudden, the sound of paws tapping against tile filled the room. The gray cat entered the office, though Gabriella paid it little mind. "Who's 'she?'" Gabriella asked, "You want to know?! Get a damn good look! She's right fucking there!" Anwir answered, pointing at the cat. Gabriella looked between them in confusion. "You're...concerned about her?" She asked, "Yes! Do you know how dangerous she is?!" Anwir asked in response, "Why is she dangerous? Because she led me to you?" Gabriella asked. Anwir let out a sigh of disbelief. "You have no idea who that cat is, do you?" He asked. He chuckled hopelessly, a weak smile crossing his face. 

"Allow me to enlighten you...!" He pointed dramatically at the cat. "Nyx Bellathorne!" He shouted! The cat's eyes slowly changed to those of a Humanoid as it began to grow in size! It rose to two feet, its fur growing around its head. In just a few moments, it grew to five feet and three inches in height, and its body changed to be very Humanoid. It was a female body, with lighter, pale skin, and a long red tail. The tail had fins on the end of it, signaling she was from the sea. If the tail wasn't enough of a signal, she also had gills beneath her chest. They were visible, as she had nothing covering her abdomen area. She was wearing an attire that almost looked like that of a Greek Goddess. Her torso clothing consisted primarily of two strips of white cloth crossing over each other. They covered her chest, wrapping around her neck and underarm areas. The white cloth was lined with gold, giving a noble appearance to her attire. She had a skirt on that passed down her thighs, ending just above her knees. The skirt was layered fancily on either side. The first layer was the primary part of the skirt, which was a full piece. It was folded at the top, forming the second layer. The second layer covered a few inches of the first, getting shorter as it approached the front. The center of the front had the final layer, a long piece of cloth hanging down over the primary part of the skirt. The skirt's layers were lined in gold, though the primary part was not. She wore armor on her legs up to her knees, made of gold, though she wore sandals in place of foot armor. She wore gold armor on her arms as well, fingerless and extending up to her shoulders. Her shoulder pads were round, as well as the knees. She not only had the attire of a Greek Goddess but the physique of one too. She had some muscle definition, clearly suggesting she knew a good gym. 

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