Chapter 42: The Heir Apparent

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Moments after exiting the mural area with the artifact, Albedo found herself flying through the air in the hands of Moona! Moona was pulling no punches, dive-bombing into the water below as her legs turned to the tail of a mermaid! Her tail had translucent purple fins, with matching purple scales. Though Albedo hardly had time to admire the beauty as she found water filling her lungs! A moment later, Moona opened a portal in front of them, diving into it! She threw Albedo hard, sending her sliding across the ground where she hit her head on a tombstone! They were in a graveyard within the Dragon Keep! Albedo struggled to catch her breath, rising to her feet slowly but surely. "'s not too late to stop this...!" She exclaimed, "Stop this? You chose this!" Moona responded. She approached slowly, her rapier at the ready. Though rather than attacking with it, she held her hand out, summoning a ball of purple light. She snapped her fingers as she opened her hand fully, sending a laser into a freshly opened portal! Several others opened up around Albedo, all of which had the laser firing through them! Albedo jumped up and out of the way, dodging the attack as she approached Moona! "I didn't want this! You chose to attack!" She exclaimed, "You gave me no choice! I offered you peace, and you shoved me away!" Moona responded. Albedo summoned her Regalia, swinging out at Moona with it! Moona threw her hand up, causing a small wall of earth to rise from the ground, blocking her attack! She then delivered a palm strike to the wall, causing it to fire spikes of earth magic at Albedo! Albedo dodged out of the way, circling around the wall and swinging at Moona! Moona blocked the strike with her rapier, locking blades with her! 

Albedo was surprised at how strong Moona was, but she was used to training with Kei, so she knew how to hold her ground. "You burned Arumi! You burned Arvan! All of those citizens...all of those poor just killed them all!" She exclaimed, "They chose to deny peace. How else was I supposed to react? They chose the same path you did." Moona responded, "No! They refused peace with you! And you responded by murdering them! There's a reason people won't accept peace with you!" Albedo exclaimed, "I'm bringing peace to this world! If you can't accept that peace, then you have no place in it! Arumi and Arvan chose to deny peace all on their own! And you chose to be angry over something that does not affect you! The destruction of their Kingdoms was for the betterment of the world!" Moona replied. With that, she pushed her hand out, sending a blast of wind into Albedo's chest! It sent her back a few feet, though she didn't leave the ground. Before she could get her balance, however, Moona sent out another laser! Albedo was forced to dodge, falling to the ground in the process! She swiftly jumped to her feet as Moona performed a sweep with the laser! Albedo jumped over it, sending a lightning bolt at her! Moona sidestepped the bolt, throwing her hand back to freeze it in mid-air! She then tossed it right back at Albedo, who sliced it in half! "I gave you everything, Albedo! And I promised you even more! So why couldn't you just accept it?! Why did you have to make me do this?! If you had just stuck to the plan, then the artifact would be open soon enough! Peace would be ours!" Moona exclaimed, "If you open the artifact, then you'll cause nothing but destruction! Do you have any idea how much dark magic is stored in it?!" Albedo asked in response, "Dark magic is just magic! Even if it is destructive, so what?! We could have world peace, and you believe the destruction caused to get there is a reason to stop?!" Moona asked. 

"You're too blinded by your father's dream to even understand what I'm saying! The artifact isn't a peacemaker, it's a destroyer!" Albedo answered, "Lie as you will. I know the truth. The artifact will bring peace to this world. And if I have to kill you to get to it...then so be it." Moona said. She raised her hand, pulling the water that had drenched Albedo earlier right off her armor! She turned it into a blade, swinging it at her telekinetically! Albedo attempted to deflect it as she dodged the attacks, but every time she cut it, it just repaired itself! Finally, she blasted it with lightning! Using the electrical current, she threw it at Moona and dashed at her! Moona sidestepped the electrified water, before meeting her halfway! They threw a few blade strikes at each other, all of which were countered...until Moona attempted a thrust with her rapier. Albedo knocked it aside, swinging for Moona's neck! And she made contact, only...the wound began healing while her blade was still traveling through her neck! By the time she pulled her blade through, she had done no damage whatsoever! "What the hell?!" She asked. Completely taken by surprise, she was open! Moona stabbed her in the gut, grabbing her and flying into the air once more! She flew them up into a portal, which led them into a divebomb! Moona pulled up just before hitting the ground, throwing Albedo face-first into the ground! She slid across it painfully, ever thankful she was wearing a helmet. If she wasn't, then her face would have certainly been unrecognizable after that. She rose to her feet, clutching her stomach. Moona's rapier hadn't pierced too deeply, but she was still bleeding. "Fuck..." She mumbled, readying her blade. She swiftly scanned her surroundings. They were now in the middle of a street in Celestia, surrounded by burning buildings. 

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