Chapter 36: Cruelty

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"Moona...wake...up." A young Moona's eyes slowly opened. It was the same night she overheard Raime and the Mysterious Man talking about Zable. She was in her bedroom, a familiar, yet distant place to her. She looked around, scanning for the voice she heard. It was dark, nearly pitch black. And from the darkness...Zable came into view. Her stomach was covered in blood, though there did not appear to be a wound. Or perhaps there was. At the source of the blood, there was a red glow - as if a glowing gem of some kind had been stuck into her stomach. Her hands were bloodied as well. Perhaps she had stuck it into herself? Though her face was still obscured, it was clear that there was blood around her mouth too. She had been coughing blood. What had she done? "S-Sis?!" Moona asked, "Moona..." Zable said, "Wh-What happened?!" Moona asked, "I'm leaving." Zable abruptly said, "Wh-What?" Moona asked. Zable took a step forward. Though they had grown so attached to each other and loved one another so deeply...something about this step felt...menacing - as if it were a threat. "I'm leaving." She said, "Wh-Why?!" Moona asked. She practically leaped out of bed, rushing over to Zable. "What happened?!" She asked, "I can't stay here. So I'm leaving. You won't see me again." Zable said. Moona was still mourning the loss of her father. Zable had been her only escape - her only source of comfort. She couldn't bear the thought of losing her too. "No...please...please don't leave me...!" Moona exclaimed, wrapping her arms around Zable. 

Zable didn't comfort her, instead blankly standing there. Tears began streaming down Moona's face. Her heart was breaking. "Don't go!" She shouted. After a few moments of her sobbing, Zable finally spoke up. "...I hate you." She said, "Wh-What...?!" Moona asked, "I hate you...I hate all of you. I never want to see you again." Zable answered. Moona pulled away from Zable, taking a step back. "Wh-Why...?" She asked. Zable coldly turned her back on Moona, facing the window beside her bed. "Stay away from me." She said, "Why?! Why are you doing this?! Did someone hurt you?! What is that glowing thing in your stomach?! Is it causing this?! You're my sister! I-I love you!" Moona cried out, "Nothing is influencing this. You were never my sister. And I never loved you. I never want to see you again." Zable responded. Moona was completely heartbroken. "How can you do this?! Y-You can't tell me you weren't happy spending time with me! And you're just going to forget about me?!" Moona asked, "You're wrong!" Zable suddenly shouted. "I've never forgotten anything. And I never will." She said. She looked back at Moona over her shoulder coldly. "The world is cruel. Sometimes you have to be worse to be better..." She said. Moona didn't understand her words. What was she talking about? All of the sudden, the door flew open! Raime burst into the room, completely enraged! "What have you done?!" He asked. Zable swiftly opened a portal by snapping her fingers. The snap caused Moona to jump, though she was too heartbroken to be scared. Zable stepped through the portal, closing it behind her before Raime could follow. Moona had lost her mother, then her father...and now her sister. And thanks to her father, she was now a Demon...meaning she would live forever with this pain. She would always be suffering... 

In the present time, a few days had passed since she and the other Stars arrived in Arumi. They had a fun time experiencing the festival Roxanne mentioned, and bonded throughout the time they spent at it. But eventually, the time came to discuss what Moona initially sought in Arumi; Peace. She went alone to the throne room, where Roxanne was sitting on the throne bored. It was the afternoon, just a little before sunset. The daylight shone through the windows into the wooden hall, creating a happy atmosphere. Peace was certainly secured, as was friendship with Roxanne. So Moona decided to take it a step further... "Roxy, it's good to see you." She said, approaching the throne, "It's good to see you as well, Moona. What did you want to talk about?" Roxanne asked, smiling happily at her, "I think it's time to talk about why I came here." Moona answered. Roxanne's expression shifted to a neutral one. "Ah...of course." She said, "I think it goes without saying that we've become friends already. And you know what? I'm glad we're friends. I'm glad you delayed any peace discussions until we got to know each other better, because I now see you're much more than you seem." Moona responded, "How so?" Roxanne asked, "You love your people, and you don't want to risk letting potential enemies inside. You want to protect the people, keep them safe. But there's more to you than that. You're inquisitive, smart, and most of all, kind. That's why I think we should take this a step further. I think you would be a perfect fit in the Twilight Covenant." Moona answered, "You want me to join your Covenant?" Roxanne asked. 

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