Chapter 34: The Stars of Darkness

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A young Moona was sitting by a cliff with her sister, Zable. From there, they could see the entire city in which they lived. It had a white structure, with black slanted roofs curiously similar to that of Celestia. There it was almost always night, with gorgeous stars and auroras visible often. It was a magical land, one right out of a fairytale. And speaking of fairytales, that was almost what Zable was telling. She was telling stories of a faraway land, of Emperors and Dragons. "...And when he took the throne, he ushered in a new age he titled; 'The Age Eternal.'" She said. Moona was amazed. She had no idea that there were entire Kingdoms beyond the mainland itself, let alone that they held such incredible stories. But Zable had seen it all, it seemed. "Is there anywhere you haven't been?" Moona asked. Zable leaned back, with a...curious expression? A shallow one? Moona couldn't quite see it. It was as if her face was just out of there was a sheet over it. "I'm sure there is. I've seen everything in the ever-expanding Demon Realm, navigated the impassable Black Sea, and even reached the Red Hallow itself. But it seems there's always more to see in this world." She answered. Such feats seemed impossible, yet Moona believed it without hesitation. It had only been a short time since she met Zable, but she loved her with all her heart - and she knew that she was telling the truth. "Will you take me on an adventure someday?!" Moona asked. Zable looked over at her, her face still shrouded from Moona. Yet even so...she could tell there was something like regret behind Zable's blank canvas of a face. "...We'll see..."  

In the present time, Moona was standing away from the others in their shared bedroom. She was with Raime, as she had just walked away from the others with him. Iana had stormed out, though Moona didn't really notice. Once they were out of hearing distance, Moona turned to Raime. "So, what did you want to say?" She asked. Raime seemed confused. "I wished to plan ahead, as usual." He answered, "Oh...of course..." Moona said, "Is something wrong, Moona?" Raime asked, "...No. Nothing." Moona answered. She was typically an excellent liar, though when something was troubling her, she struggled to hide it. This was clearly one of those times. Raime put a comforting hand on her shoulder. "Your father would be proud of you, Moona. You've done everything as he would." He said, "But...what about everyone else...? I keep pushing everyone away..." She responded, "If they cannot understand, then so be it. You are perfect as you are. You must never change, not for anyone." Raime said. Moona weakly met his gaze, a deep sorrow in her own. "But...what if I lose them...? What if I lose my friends...? What if I...what if I lose the people I love...?" She asked, "If they cannot love you as you are, then they do not love you at all. And they are unworthy of your love." Raime answered. Moona averted her gaze. She wanted nothing more than to believe he was right. She wanted to believe that nothing he said could be wrong. But as much as she wanted to believe, a part of her could not. "...Of' always..." She said. Raime nodded, removing his hand from her shoulder. Unlike the warmth she used to feel from his hand, she felt only coldness until he removed it. "Well...what's the plan...?" She asked. 

"Roxanne will not accept an offer of peace without occupation straight away. We are not asking for anything, yet she refuses our offer until she knows us better. It is likely she will not accept peace at all. And when she refuses, we must be prepared. Both the palace and the wall surrounding the city are nearly impenetrable, but I believe your portal magic will easily bypass that. From there..." Raime stopped as he noticed Reina approaching. "...Do you have something to contribute, Reina?" He asked. Reina ignored him, looking at Moona instead. "Moona...Iana stormed out on me...I...I think she's really hurt, by both of us." She said. Raime stepped forward. "She'll get over it." He said. He cleared his throat, turning back to Moona. Before he could speak, however, Reina stood up to him. "I wasn't talking to you." She said, "I am aware. But Moona and I are in the process of planning. Your sister can wait." Raime responded. Finally, Moona spoke up. "...Is this really necessary...?" She asked, "Is what really necessary?" Raime asked in response, "This planning...why do we have to do it right now? It's not like Roxanne has Guards watching us at all times. She just wants to get to know us better...why do we have to plan an assault already?" Moona asked, "Moona, do not forget what we are here for. We are here to create peace by any means necessary. This isn't just for us, it's for everyone in the world. We must be prepared for the worst in order to create the best. And oftentimes, the worst is what comes." Raime answered, "But what about Celestia? They've been kind to us..." Moona said, "Have they? They've doubted you at every possible turn. They've sent forces behind your back to rally the Kingdoms against you. They aren't your friends. The only reason we haven't taken over Celestia is that they have agreed to let us search the Kingdom for the artifact." Raime responded. 

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