Chapter 31: Familiarity

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Moona was walking down a street in Celestia, looking around anxiously. She had lost a valuable item and decided to have a look around for it. She knew she wasn't likely to find it, though it made her feel better knowing that she was at least looking. To her surprise, she rounded a corner and ran right into Lady! She was wearing her usual dress, only with a large white sash over it. The sash had the words "best frend" poorly scribbled on it. Curiously, she was also wearing a white turban. Her hair was still down, rather than being held in it. Upon seeing Moona, her eyes lit up...or did they? Her expression was the same, but her eyes were almost expressive for a moment. "Moona." She said, pointing at her, "Hey, I remember you! Lady, right?" Moona asked. Lady nodded, offering no verbal response. "So...what's with the uh...sash?" Moona asked, "My Goblin friends made it for me." Lady answered, "Goblins?" Moona asked. Lady nodded. "They really like me." She answered, "Huh. They uh... spelled 'friend' wrong." Moona said, "I know." Lady responded. She let out a slight laugh. "Goblins are cute, aren't they?" She asked, "Riiight..." Moona answered. She eyed Lady's turban, which she clearly took notice of. "The Pixies made it for me." She said, "They...made you a turban?" Moona asked. Lady nodded once again. "The Pixies..." She said, "Do...Pixies usually wear turbans?" Moona asked, "No." Lady answered. ...It seemed that was all the insight she had to offer. "Okay then...well...that's cute, I think." Moona said, "Mhm." Lady responded. They fell silent, as Moona didn't know how to continue the conversation. 

Fortunately, Lady had an idea. "So whatcha doing?" She asked, "I'm...looking for something." Moona answered, "Something you lost?" Lady asked, "Something like that. It's an item I value greatly. I believe it was taken by someone...and I may not get it back. But I at least want to look around, even if there's only a slim chance I'll be able to find it." Moona answered, "What did you lose?" Lady asked, "A flute, broken in two. It may seem strange...but it's really valuable to me. I don't know who would've taken a broken item like that, but I want it back." Moona answered. For the first time, Lady's eyes showed true expression. There was genuine shock behind them, and her mouth was agape. "What is it?" Moona asked. Lady quickly returned to her blank expression. "I used to play the flute a lot myself." She answered, "Really?" Moona asked. Lady nodded. "I charmed a Snake with it once." She said, "Don't you use a pungi to charm a Snake?" Moona asked, "Mhm. But I was really good at the flute." Lady answered, "I see...well, in any case...I need to keep looking. I don't want to lose it..." Moona said, "Ah, I have an idea. We should go ask the Goblins and Pixies about it!" Lady responded, "I...don't know...I don't really see how that would help..." Moona said, "Goblins and Pixies are very resourceful. If anyone can find it, it's the Tanukis." Lady responded, "The...Tanukis? Aren't we going to go see Goblins and Pixies?" Moona asked, "So you'll go with me to see them? Alright. Let's go!" Lady answered, "Wait, what? I didn't agree to th-" Before Moona could finish, Lady snatched her hand and began leading her away! She led her into an alley, where she looked at her expectantly. 

Moona shrugged in confusion. "Wh-Why are we stopping here?" She asked, "You can open portals, right?" Lady asked in response, "Yes...?" Moona answered, "Alright! Open a portal to forty-seven point nine, five, six, two, north of central Ravania. And one-twenty-three point five, seven, four, six west of it." Lady said, "...What???" Moona asked. Lady continued staring at her blankly, but even despite her blank expression, she was clearly looking at Moona expectantly. Moona let out a nervous laugh. "Um...I don't do coordinates like that, especially not super specific ones." She said, "Ohhh...I see." Lady replied. She said nothing more, instead staring at Moona. "So? What are we doing...?" Moona asked, "Can you open a portal to the forest northeast of Celestia?" Lady asked, "Sure..." Moona answered. She snapped her fingers, opening a portal to the forest. They stepped through and she closed it behind them. Lady looked around and shook her head. "Northeast of the region, not the city." She said, "...You can tell the difference?" Moona asked, "Mhm. Forests are actually quite diverse." Lady answered, "It looks like trees, bushes, and things that want to kill you to me." Moona said, "This forest is flat and hilly, the other forest is hilly and flat." Lady vaguely responded, "...Okay...?" Moona said. Lady looked at her expectantly, and she snapped her fingers to open another portal. This portal led to a new forest, which they entered and closed the portal behind them. "Ah, this is the one. See? Hilly and flat." Lady said. The forest looked scarcely different from the previous one they were in. And the only reason it was scarcely different at all was because of the different placement of the same exact things from the previous forest. 

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