"Taylor, do I need someone to come and help hold you down? Cause I will get someone if you can't stay still."

Taylor removed her hands from the area and brought them up to her chest. She tried to just focus on sucking her pacifier and not the vulnerability of the situation she was in. She was just waiting. Waiting for him hurt her, but he didn't.

She took notice of the crinkle of the unused diaper and felt the height of her backside as Asher raised it to put a fresh diaper underneath. The pressure of the diaper being taped tightly on her boney midsection and the conclusive relief of the onesie being snapped back on.

"All done!! You did such a good job baby girl!" Asher raised her from the cushioned table kissing her wet cheek.

She sniffled, pacifier bobbing rapidly on her little pink lips.

"Come on, let's feed you a bottle so you can have a nap."


  Asher sighed, is no all Taylor ever says?

    He warmed up a bottle of formula and arrived in the nursery where he sat in a rocking reclining seat. He positioned Taylor so she was cradled and brought the bottle up to her mouth.

   She tried to pull her head away but Asher held it still as he fed her. She finished a quarter of the bottle before turning her head away.

She has insanely full, she already had a bottle today so she didn't feel like it anymore.

  Asher didn't feel like pushing the matter any further. Defeated, he set the bottle on a wooden platform before carrying her over to her crib.

   Asher set her in and lifted the railing, securing it tightly. "Alright, baby it's time for nap time! Can you lay down for me?" Asher smiled.

   "I'm not sleepy!! I want out!!" Taylor's lip quivers in disappointment.

  "Taylor nap time is mandatory. You are too little to get through a day without any naps. Now lay down and go night night."

  "Noo!!" She made grabby hands at Asher.

   Asher then picked her up and out of the crib. He placed her pacifier in her mouth and bounced her up and down in his arms. Tired from the long emotional day, Taylor soon fell limp in Asher's arms.

  He sighed a breath of relief, so thankful that the cranky girl was finally sleeping. He set her down in her crib and admired her cuteness. Even when she wasn't regressed she still acted like a baby.

  Before Asher left he turned on a special music box for the crib.

———————————————————————  After he left the nursery he went back to the extra guest room with Anjali and Lucas

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  After he left the nursery he went back to the extra guest room with Anjali and Lucas.

"How's it going?" Asher asked in a sympathetic tone.

Anjali looked over at Lucas who was staring blankly at the floor before speaking on behalf of him. "Could be better, how's Taylor?"

"She's taking a nap now, I think she was starting to get sleepy."

Asher sat on the guest bed with his two mates before turning his attention back towards Lucas.

They continued talking through the emotional trauma Lucas had gone through for about 1 hour and 30 minutes before Lucas fell asleep. Strained, Asher and Anjali crashed on the couch in the living room.

They took a few deep best he's before Anjali began to talk.

"Hey Asher, I was wondering. What are you going to do about Taylor going to school? She has to go eventually."

Asher sat and pondered. What would he do?

"I'm not sure. I don't want to bring her out of a headspace every time she goes to school. That would be so draining from her."

"You know what Asher. You have a very big influence on people at the school. Maybe you could create some kind of program?"

"What do you mean by a program?"

"Like a separate learning environment. Other littles at the school have to constantly push down their headspace. That can be stressed and problematic over time. If there's some type of program, meaning a separate classroom, or maybe even stuff for inside the existing classroom that could help littles learn but stay in their headspace, that could be a life changer for many littles at our school."

As if a light bulb went on in Asher's head, he completely understand that this idea could change lives.

"That's a great idea!! I could make that happen!! Thank you."

"No problem bro, I have faith you can do it! And if you do, it would truly change kids life's."

Anjali and Asher watched TV for the reminding time of Taylor's nap. Exited for the probability of creating a safer and healthy life for teenagers across the world.

Hello readers! I hope you enjoyed this chapter. I wanted to apologize for the wacky updating schedule. I'm a part of many sports and after-school activities. I am also a straight-A student. So you can only imagine the amount of study time I built into my day. I'm currently on the bus right now adding to my story, Listening to lyric-less songs, and occasionally viewing my wet and foggy forested surroundings. The school year is coming to an end, so my updates will get more frequent. I love you guys, and remember, love your little self, you'll find a caregiver one day<33

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