𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐅𝐨𝐮𝐫 | 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐓𝐫𝐢𝐛𝐮𝐭𝐞𝐬

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𝐐uinn had gone to bed angry that night

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𝐐uinn had gone to bed angry that night. She knew he was trying his best to make things right but despite his best efforts she still shut him down every time. Every time she thought about just forgiving him and going on in life the image of her dead brother jumps into her mind and taunts her every day. She loved Griffen and he took him from her before she could say goodbye. She wasn't just angry, she was vengeful. She wasn't backing down so easily. What she was doing may seem harsh but that was nothing compared to everything she wanted to scream in his face.

𝐁eing Selfish was her only option and she would happily yield to it. The girl found it hard to believe the sincerity of his words. He had never once tried to make things right in the past 10 years, why now? Why the sudden change of heart. Perhaps being put back into the games brought out an old part of himself. A part he himself still hadn't forgiven. Whatever it was Quinn wasn't buying one second of it.


𝐒oon came time for the tributes individual assessments. While everyone waited impatiently for their turn, Quinn could feel Finnick's glare eating at the side of her face. She didn't dare meet his gaze though. She had been avoiding him the whole morning. Finnick was still salty from the previous night but Quinn, she had been working up her reputation for years. She wasn't going to let her mask slip now. No. She wasn't gonna give Snow the satisfaction. She was determined. She had promised herself long ago not to let anyone in and risk having any form of weakness.

𝐒he scanned the room full of Victors until her eyes finally fell upon Katniss and Peeta at the very back corner. Peeta met her gaze and sent her a warm smile surprised to see she had actually returned the kind gesture. The girl from 5 had grown fond of the boy. Though she wouldn't exactly call him a friend, probably more of an acquaintance. Despite the terrifying things he had heard about her, he saw her as any other person who had survived the hunger games. A lot of trauma, empty threats, but truthfully and kind person.

𝐐uinn picked at fingernails anxiously waiting to be called up. A habit she had picked up as a kid. Finnick got called for his turn and Quinn realised she would be next. The girl eyed him as he walked into the room. She was usually the impulsive type but she for some reason was incredibly angry today. Maybe not angry, more fed up but you know. "District 5, Quinn Marshal. Report for individual assessment" The male voice spoke over the intercom. All eyes then fell on Quinn as she let out a sigh before entering the room. Finnick gave her a knowing look as they're hands grazed against each other's on his way out.

"𝐌s Marshal you have 10 minutes to present your chosen skill" Plutarch Heavensbee spoke before taking a seat. Quinn sure wasn't going to spend 10 minutes doing some pointless training. Her chosen skill: Archery. The gamemakers watched as the girl blindfolded herself and effortlessly shot all 5 arrows, hitting the bullseye each time, one after the other. Quinn was simply unfazed about the whole situation. Ripping the blindfold off she threw the bow on the ground before waltzing out. Not bothering to look back to see their faces.

𝐐uinn then walked in silence back to her room ignoring her escort who had seemingly recovered and still awaited an apology and district partner who eyed her as she walked to her bedroom.


𝐅inally came time for the Ceaser Flickerman show, where the Tributes got to say their goodbyes and express their feelings and a few kind words. A whole bunch a bullshit and fake tears if you asked Quinn. Her Stylists once again had rather out done themselves. They had dressed Quinn in a blue lengthy dress with gold pointy shoulders, detailed with black and Gold embellishments. They painted natural makeup onto her face with a blue design dripping from either sides and slicked her hair back into a simple but elegant style.

𝐐uinn listened as the other tributes tried manipulating their ways into stopping the games. She respected their efforts but there was no way Snow would cancel the games under any circumstances, and that was a hill she would die on. It was honestly rather amusing to watch them cry and try and win the audiences sympathy.

"𝐋adies and gentleman, please give a round of applause for Quinn Marshal!" Ceaser announced and the crowd cheered and whistled in excitement. Plastering on a fake smile, The girl made her way to the centre of the stage. "Ah still our favourite! Isn't she looking stunning tonight?" The crowd cheered even louder as Quinn resisted the urge to punch him in the face. "Oh Ceaser you should now by flattery doesn't work on me!" She teased as the crowd laughed in amusement.

"𝐍ow Quinn, You seem to have grown quite the reputation over the past years as 'the ripper" He questioned putting emphasis on the last part. "Tell me how you feel about going back into the arena" He asked. "Like I want to rip some more throats out!" She chuckled as the audience went crazy. "Ah don't you just love her! So fierce, so spirited!" He exclaimed while Quinn contemplated ripping his head off. "You must know how emotional tonight is for all of us, Now is there anything at all you would like to say to the audience?" Ceaser questioned once again putting the mic by her face.

"𝐈 would just like to tell everyone watching not to waste you tears on our pathetic lives whether they're real or not. Kill or be killed, that's how you survive in the arena. And to everyone watching, let it be known that I will fight harder than I ever have before and that I can assure you that you will see me again very soon!" She spoke still keeping a fake smile on her face. "Words spoken from a true warrior!" Ceaser exclaimed as the crowd once again cheered for the girl as she made her way to her place on the podium.

𝐒he now had a burst of adrenaline run through her veins. She knew she had gotten under Snows skin with what she had just said and she wasn't scared the slightest. She had been stuck in her thoughts as the interviews carried on only snapping out of it at when Johanna started dropping f bombs, to which the girl from 5 let out a chuckle. She couldn't help but allow her mouth to gape the slightest bit as Peeta dropped the baby bomb on everyone and the crowd protested for them to stop the games. Quinn again grinned at his tactics. Smart move Peeta. Her face soon turned cold looking dead into the audience as every joined hands.

𝐅eeling Finnicks hand wrap around hers, awakened something within her. Something she didn't like and would keep hidden for as long as she could. But that wasn't what was captivating her mind. All she thought of was Snow and when he was going to make his move. Because if he didn't make a move soon, then she was going to. And he sure as hell wasn't going to like it.

|𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐓𝐫𝐢𝐛𝐮𝐭𝐞𝐬|

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