𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐍𝐢𝐧𝐞 | 𝐂𝐚𝐫𝐞𝐞𝐫𝐬

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"𝐒omeone's here" Katniss warned as the pack dropped back behind the trees

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"𝐒omeone's here" Katniss warned as the pack dropped back behind the trees. "Johanna.." Quinn muttered catching a glimpse of what was happening. "Johanna!" She called out to the girl while jogging towards her as Finnick followed behind like a puppy dog. "Quinn! Finnick!" The girl from 7 chuckled as she gave Quinn a half hug. Peeta and Katniss soon caught up behind them. "Hah, I knew Odair would stick to you like a leech" She teased while a humorous smile grew on Quinn's face. "Yeah, he's a hard one shake".

𝐐uinn and Johanna's relationship was an unspoken one. They wouldn't go as far as to call themselves friends but they respected each other and had each other's backs when they needed it. Quinn first met her in the Capitol while mentoring the other tributes during Johannas games. She then saw her again on her Victory tour and the two grew to be somewhat acquaintances. They didn't talk much but on the odd occasion when the two did catch up it was always a hell of a time. Like Quinn, Johanna also refused to become a prostitute for the capitol and Snow also killed her family.

𝐓hat was something the could relate to with each other. The fact that they both had absolutely no one left. They did have their differences though. Johanna's impulsive and full of anger while Quinn is more calm and a calculated thinker, though still being insensitive and arrogant. Quinn could handle Johanna's little outbursts and Johanna could handle Quinn's tantrums and mental breakdowns. Hell, maybe they could call themselves friends who knows.

"𝐘ou look terrible" Quinn raised an eyebrow while looking the bloodied girl up and down. "What happened?" Finnick questioned. "Well, I got 'em out!" The girl started. "We we're all the way deep into the jungle where I thought it was going to be safe! That's when the rain started" She walked back and forth furiously. "I thought it was water, turned out to be blood! Hot. Thick. Blood!" She yelled between breath's while Wiress repeated mumbling 'tick tock' over and over again. "It was coming down, it was choking us! We were stumbling around gagging on it blind!" She scoffed getting more angry with each part of the story she told.

"𝐓hat's when Blight hit the force field" She sighed as her expression changed to one of sorrow while taking a moment to gather her next words. "He wasn't much, but he was from home" Quinn stood there listening intently while mumbling a single 'hm'. "Well that....sucks.." Quinn commented, her voice sounding rather insensitive. For this she received a jab in the stomach from the boy standing next to her as he gave her a 'Don't be a dick' look. She rolled her eyes in annoyance before turning her attention towards Wiress who was still repeating 'Tick tock'. Quinn fought the urge to slit her throat and shut her up but ultimately decided that would be a dumb move.

"𝐖hat's wrong with her?" Katniss asked. "She's in shock. Dehydration isn't helping, do you have fresh water?" Beetee replied. "We can get some". "Tick tock, Tick tock!" Quinn watched in amusement as Johanna got more and more frustrated with the constant 'Tick tock' coming from the older women. "Just—Listen, stop it! Just sit down" She yelled, pushing her to the ground. "Hey! Lay off her!" Katniss defended the girl. Quinn stood there as the two women went at each other and the men tried pulling them apart. It was both frustrating and hilarious watching them all fight like cats and dogs. The girl had to fight her laughter as Finnick pushed Johanna into the water, pulling her away from Katniss.

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