chapter seven [1], cards on the table

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LIVIA WISHED SHE could say that the rest of the dinner was better, but the truth was that it wasn't. It was just as awkward, and after the third conversation ended with a silence that no one knew how to fill (at least among the children, because the adults were having the time of their lives), Livia resorted to stuffing her face with food and hoping that no one else would bother her that way.

It worked, somewhat. The parents still mentioned her from time to time so she had to painstakingly make some reply that was brief but still polite, before returning to her food. The parents had no expectation that the kids would all stay at the table once they'd had their share, so by seven o'clock all of the kids were in the living room.

Victoire was staring at her phone. Aurelius talked to Brian Hepburn, who'd grown slightly since they'd last met but nowhere as much as Livia expected (he was nine years old). Anya obviously stuck to Pamela, and Inaya and Tadeen had been kept in the dining room due to their younger ages.

Livia sat with Brie and Lila at first, but after a while, as the parents came in to check up on them and noted how everyone seemed separate, all the kids took a glance at each other and moved towards the sofas to sit together instead.

"It's so quiet," Victoire muttered. "We're not usually this quiet."

Sarah said, "I think everyone's just tired."

"Yeah, right," Victoire said with a roll of her eyes. "Something happened and you're all refusing to tell me."

At that blunt statement, eyes snapped all around the room. To Amphion, to Zethus, to Livia. Everyone else had gotten some kind of clue as to what had happened by now, they just hadn't pressed further, that was all.

Aurelius said, softly, "She's not the only one who's noticed, you know. Is this private, or is this something we should all know about?"

Amphion answered. "It's just a small disagreement, nothing to worry about."

Aurelius shook his head. "I walked past the kitchen that day."

And then the three of them fell quiet.

"The kitchen?" Pamela demanded, before her eyes widened. "Oh, when—" she trailed off as she saw Livia's expression. No matter how much they might argue and bicker, Pamela always had Livia's back when she needed it the most. Though this time, she didn't think she could escape some degree of interrogation from her sister.

And if Pamela did decide to do so, Livia intended on telling the truth. It would be nice to have one ally around.

Sarah cleared her throat. "I think I'm missing something here."

"I'm going to be honest with you," Aurelius said with a shrug, "I think we're all missing something here. Why are you three not talking to each other?"

Zeth let out a long sigh. "It's a long story, Aurelius."

"We have time."

"Not tonight," Livia cut in. "It's a private matter."

"So private you can't tell us?" Anya asked, one brow raised.

Lila raised one brow. "If it's private, why should you be told?" Livia sent her a grateful look. Even though Livia hadn't revealed anything to Lila yet, the other girl would have had her guesses. And she was more than willing to back up Livia with whatever she decided to do. That, she was extremely thankful for. Despite having met her far later than any of the others, Livia also found that she trusted Lila the most. Of course she loved Brie and her carefree spirit, but her heart was too big and too soft to be someone Livia could fully rely on.

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