chapter twelve, bad decisions

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"THAT DOESN'T SOUND very wise," Madi Tahiri murmured as the two girls walked down the street, each with an ice cream cone in hand. "Spending time with your ex, Liv? Let me tell you, not the best idea."

As the member of a pop girls' group, it wasn't surprising that Madi was gorgeous. Long, straight, dark silky hair, wide hazelled eyes, full lips and bushy brows, Madi's mother was a renowned supermodel, so it was hardly surprising. Her father, a famous director, wasn't all that bad looking either. Madi's Moroccan heritage on her father's side also meant skin that was a light shade of bronze.

"He's not my ex," Livia said with a roll of her eyes. The reason she was telling Madi this when she hadn't even told Lila or Brie was because Madi wasn't a part of that group. She knew about it, she'd met all of them, but they weren't actually friends. Which meant Livia could probably expect the content of this conversation to remain a secret.

"He might as well be," Madi said with a shrug. "You might have dated... but let's be real, you're in the exact same situation you'd be in if you had dated. Same awkwardness, same tension."

"There is no awkwardness or tension. Just dislike and irritation."

"If that was it, they wouldn't have gone to swim with you." Madi raised one brow. "Tell me, does he have a six pack?"

"Which one?"

"Let's not play coy here, Livia." Madi smirked, stroking her hair to the side.

"They both do," Livia said blandly. "But I fail to see how this is relevant to me."

"Just nice to know, that's all," Madi murmured. "Nothing special. But what are you planning to do about it?"

"Everyone keeps asking me that, and you know what? I actually have no idea. I have no idea what I'm going to do about it. Just deal with it, I guess."

"That's never a good choice."

"Well, then, do suggest a good choice for me." Livia rolled her eyes. "This is just a pain."

"Two very attractive boys are trying desperately to reclaim your affection and friendship right now, Livia. You're telling me you're not slightly interested."

"No, not really, and you're making this sound very weird. How's London?"

"Turns out his personality is the same as the city he's named after."

"Broken up?"

"Yeah," Madi said, sounding wholly unaffected. "I don't regret it. If I spent any more time around him I'd have ripped my hair out."

"And how's New York?"

"Better than expected," Madi admitted. "My dad's penthouse in New York is actually really nice. Nicer than the house we have in Surrey. But I don't really live there, since our management got this house for the five of us to live in. It's fun."

"Is it? Living with four other girls, it sounds exhausting."

Madi sighed. "I chose this life. My dad told me it would be easier to go solo... but you know? A girl band just sounds so much more exciting."

Livia let out a snort. "It's just because you're addicted to Kpop. But your dad won't let you become a trainee, and you're not precisely East Asian so I doubt that would work out for you anyways."

Madi gave a casual shrug. "I don't really care. Being a trainee is far too stressful anyways. This is fine for me. Our album drops in three months, Liv."

"Debut album," Livia turned to glance at her, "any teasers for this work of art by All That is Gold?"

"I mean, I helped write most of the songs," Madi pointed out. "They're all really good is what I can tell you. Just you wait, Livia, just you wait."

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