chapter thirty-one, young, dumb, stupid

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THE MOVIE FINISHED mere moments before Aurelius came knocking. The boy poked his head in, taking a glance around. "People are starting to arrive."

"Got it," Zeth got on his feet. "We'll be out in just a moment."

"You better," Aurelius huffed. "Mum's in a flurry looking for you three."

"Tell your mum she doesn't need to worry," Livia snickered. "I'll get these two out."

Aurelius gave a mock salute. Zeth yanked the curtains back open, allowing the sunlight to pour back into the room while Livia cleaned up the empty popcorn packages and tossed them into the bin. "Let's go."

They headed downstairs. The first to arrive were some of Victoire's friends that Livia wasn't very familiar with. There was one girl, Holliday Kim, who Livia had met before. A Korean girl with a sweet deposition. The others, Livia had no idea, and no particular inclination to become familiar with them. They were all, as expected, thirteen years old.

So she smiled politely and stood to the side, watching as the rooms started becoming filled with people. Everyone knew Victoire. Everyone loved Victoire. Victoire's birthday party had always been a staple of the end of August in Briarville. Half the people here weren't even Victoire's own friends, but the friends of her parents and her brothers. It was as much a celebration of the girl's birthday as for all the residents of Briarville who gathered here every summer as a tradition, year after year.

The birthday girl was being overwhelmed in the centre, surrounded by friends and family with well wishes bearing gifts and compliments. She was the star of the show tonight in her violet dress, bright beam on her face. Her blonde hair had been done in an elaborate style that made her look like a little princess, which Livia supposed was exactly what she was tonight.

"She's growing up so fast." Pamela had located her amidst the crowd. "I still remember the days when she was a baby."

"I remember when you were a baby," Livia laughed.

"Psh," Pamela looked unimpressed. "You're only two years older than me. I doubt you remember anything at all of me as an infant, Livia. But look at her."

"She's going to become like us soon."

"I hope not," Pamela muttered. "I always wanted to be her when I was a little kid."


"Three hot older brothers? Like come on. You're great, don't get me wrong. But damn."

Livia pulled a face. "There's so many things wrong with that statement I don't even know where to start."

"Don't, then."

"Seems like a wise decision," Livia agreed.

"You're getting cosier with Amphion."

Livia narrowed her eyes.

"You're really close again. Zeth commented on it earlier."

"When did you two talk?"

"When he came down to get food. Twice."


"He said you two looked really comfortable around each other again these days. Like, even closer than you used to be."

Livia was silent.

"Something's happened," Pamela murmured. "What is it?"

"It's a curious situation."

"I think I'm starting to piece it together."

"Of course you have," Livia muttered. "You're a smart girl."

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