chapter fifteen, swords in the air

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THE ELECTRIC BUZZER beeped once more as Remiel's sword landed on Livia's outstretched arm. Growling, Livia pulled herself back into a standing position from her lunge, pulling her mask off. "Damn it."

"What happened to you?" Remiel asked curiously. "You used to play so defensively, but you're so aggressive these days."

The fight had started with three points to Livia. Remiel had clearly been startled by Livia's aggression, by the way she sought out fights instead of counter-hitting like she used to when she was younger.

Livia gave a casual shrug. "I realised playing defensive didn't win when I was against someone who wasn't very aggressive either. Or someone who didn't necessarily make mistakes. This younger student joined the school fencing team and I just couldn't beat her with my usual style no matter what, until I started playing more aggressively."

"Well, you've gotten better."

"You're still beating me."

The score was four to five now. In the time it had taken Remiel to score four points, Livia had only managed to score one lucky leg hit.

Remiel shrugged. "I've learnt for far longer than you have. And I'm physically stronger." That was true. Remiel clearly worked out, and a beat of her sword could almost cause Livia to lose her grasp on her own. That strength was new.

"You've been hitting the gym every day?" Livia laughed, "because it feels like it."

"Twice a week, actually," Remiel said with a grin, "but yes, I've been hitting the gym loads, Livia. You should try it too."

"Once a week, maybe. But not right now. It's my vacation time."

Remiel let out a loud snort. "You'll keep telling yourself that and never actually get on with it. Come on, let's continue the match."

The next point was Livia's, after she baited and stop-hitted Remiel when the other girl overextended. They went on and on, until Remiel eventually ended the match with a perfect fleche. Livia didn't react in time.

"How long it's been since we've fenced each other?"

Livia shrugged as she took off her gear. "One year? We fenced a few times last summer."

"I'm not staying for very long."

"You're going back to Hong Kong with your family, right? I heard. The parents mentioned it."

"Anything you want me to get for you? That you forgot?"

Livia shook her head. "I'm going back during Christmas anyways, doesn't really matter. I think I'm good."

"Christmas is months away," Remiel pointed out. "I'll get you some snacks anyways. The ones you like."


Both girls were back in their normal clothes now, and Livia returned their gear to the counter. Then, the two girls walked out of the stadium

Of all the places she'd expected to run into the Calvert-Egerton twins, the stadium had not been one of them. But that was there they pulled up, along with two other boys that Livia vaguely recognised. Remiel glanced at Livia, and Livia shrugged.

She was on good terms with Zeth now. And Remiel hadn't said hi to them yet.

"Livia!" Zeth grinned, strolling forward. "And Remiel Wong! Been a while, Remy."

"Zethus," Remiel said, offering a mock salute. "And Amphion, of course. You two have grown even taller than before, I swear. It's terrifying."

"How long are you staying?" Amphion asked curiously, tilting his head with a grin on his face, ignoring Livia awkwardly standing by the side.

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