chapter twenty, the way things break down

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MADSTON'S HOUSE WAS already crowded by the time they got there. Loud music blasted from speakers, but since Madston's house was the only one within a considerable distance, Livia thought it wasn't much of a problem. Annoying for the critters in the area around, perhaps, but no concern for any particular person. No doubt Madston's parents were somewhere else. They allowed their sons to throw parties, most definitely, but none as crazy as this.

Livia got out of the car, one brow raised. "Makes me wonder why none of us ever throws parties."

"Brie and Lila could if they wanted to, but Lila doesn't," Amphion pointed out. "Sarah's parents are strict as all hell. Honestly, Zeth and I could too, but with Aurelius and Victoire there... just seems like a mess, doesn't it? And there's so many people on the street that we won't dare do anything too crazy. And well, you and Pamela most definitely are not going to."

"And thus," Livia said with a dramatic sigh, "we are reduced to attending those thrown by others."

"You don't go to half of them," Zeth pointed out.

"I've gone to many, and I know who throws the good ones and who thinks a party is just a lot of alcohol with some music and people making out in the corners. I'm picky with which ones I go to, especially since wherever I go, Pamela is most likely to follow."

"That, or your parents."

"That, or my parents," Livia agreed. "I do not want to be caught in any unsavoury location or position, you see."

"It's always entertaining to know how terrified of your parents you can be."

"It is part of my culture," Livia said soothingly, smoothing out a crease in her dress. "What kind of Asian child will I be, if I am not terrified of my parents? Come on, let's go in now. At this point, Pamela, Anya and Aurelius will arrive before we even step into the house.

The entire long road before the Madston residence had been filled with cars. They made their way up the road until they'd finally arrived at the open gates and stepped in.

Livia whipped out her phone, seeing a message from Brie and Lila stating that the two girls were already here. To her surprise, when Livia told the boys she was going to search for them, Amphion said, "We'll follow you around."

Livia blinked, startled, until she realised why. Zeth. Right. Their little mission for Zeth today. To at least have him show to Brie that he liked her. It was quite strange, really. Had Zeth even properly spoken to Brie this entire summer? Not as far as Livia was aware. For someone who'd been silently crushing on the girl for so many years, Zeth hid it almost scarily well.

Livia didn't even think Lila knew.

It wouldn't end well. They all knew it wouldn't. Livia didn't think there was any chance Brie would accept it. It might just ruin the friendship. But at this point, even that might be better than the endless pining Zeth had been doing for the past while. Maybe rejection would set him on the right track, to help him be able to move on rather than continue on longing, but never daring to do anything about it.

"Amph! Zeth!"

Three heads turned over as Sarah strolled over, dressed in a black skin tight dress, her red hair pulled up in a high bun. She paused for a moment upon seeing Livia. "Hello, Livia."

"Sarah." Livia greeted the other girl with the same coolness and the nod of a head.

"I didn't know you were friends again," Sarah murmured.

"I wouldn't call us friends," Amphion sighed, "but we can speak to each other without ripping each other's heads off now, yes."

"We're looking for Brie and Lila," Zeth said weakly. "Want to join us?"

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