author's note

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i started writing hexes for exes back in 2019. four years ago. i was twelve years old, just getting tired of writing dc fanfic (funny enough i've just begun one, now at sixteen...) and planning massive fantasy series that never came into fruition. so i sat down one day and went, hmm. what if i wrote about a girl called livia with a little sister called pamela, who lived in a town called briarville?

i never finished the first draft. i went about 7/8 of the way through and realised i'd written myself into a complete hole where none of the characters could logically forgive each other. in the first draft, amphion (then called james mchill) was indirectly responsible for melody's death, which would also have been the reason for their falling out rather than livia's unrequited crush on him or any other argument. so i went "screw it" and decided to completely rewrite it from the ground up.

this second draft would also happen to be the first! novel! i ever! finished! writing! and it's still actually up on my account today (promptly titled "hexes for exes (old)") and after i was done i decided to move on with some spin-off ideas. it was meant to be a trilogy, with the second book being composed of two stories featuring pamela and madi (the book was titled "dead girls", with the two individual stories being "ivy monarchy" and "bloody pearls", which are both now unpublished); and the third featuring victoire and titled "ultraviolet!". but i never even finished the second book, so the series was left forgotten as i moved onto the silk and steel chronicles.

and then in november of 2022, as i sat in my dorm room bored about life, i thought, hey, why don't i rewrite hexes for exes again?

which is where this novel comes in!!!!! this is the third draft in four years, and i'm honestly quite proud of this!!

livia is p closely based off myself. a lot of her weaknesses are honestly my own (which i say about most of my characters), but it's especially personal with livia, because she's accompanied me for four years of my life. despite everything, hexes for exes is not a romance story: it's a story about a group of friends growing up despite difficulties, who learn to appreciate each other despite everything that has come between them. pamela is my little baby and i'm still considering a spin-off for her, victoire is just adorable, brie is just AHHHHHH she's such a softie but at the same time it makes her very easily manipulated, and lila is my vicious QUEEN. i've always been really fond of sarah despite everything, and i think her and livia have always respected each other despite not getting along???? just what i've always thought lol

okay ENOUGH BABBLING let's move onto some more important stuff: is hexes for exes getting a sequel? welllllll as of current, not preciselyyyyy.

let me explain. i've had some ideas for a pamela sequel (and i have basically written ten chapters of one back in 2020), but the character of pamela has been changed quite a bit so the old idea isn't really going to work anymore. right now what is confirmed though is that livia & amph are going to be side characters in a novel i'm currently working on!!!! it's going be set around three years after the events of hfe in the fictional redchester uni (featured in the epilogue). i've already written some of their scenes in and hehehehehehehehe. but at the same time, it's prob going to take until at leastttttt late august before i start publishing it or even near completion, so be patient!!!

i also have a sequel idea for this fic already lol and it's going to be on the mc's best friend who is going to move into livia's apartment in redchester so :))) ahaha!!! i've already posted a brief intro into this topic in my misc book "a flower & a sword" and it's under the chapter "project white moonlight", though the idea has already gone through some pretty massive change since i wrote that chapter so!

but anywaysssss i hope y'all enjoyed reading hexes for exes! 

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