chapter thirty-two, life is a fairytale

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"THAT IS A massive cake," Amphion murmured, tilting his head. "I wonder how much it cost."

"Well, it is Victoire's thirteenth," Aurelius pointed out. "Remember the cake I got when I turned thirteen?"

"You got none," Zeth replied politely. "You asked for a massive brownie instead, and that's exactly what you got."

"Wait, what? I haven't heard about this before." Livia crossed her arms, eyeing the three boys besides her as they all regarded the pastel blue and purple cake in the middle of the room. Very Victoire. The girl had no doubt picked it herself.

Aurelius grimaced. "The brownie tasted like shit. I was too busy crying my eyes out afterwards."

"The brownie cost a fortune," Amphion sighed. "I'd know, I was the one who found the fucking bakery."

"And you didn't think to check a couple reviews first?"

"It looked like a fancy bakery," Amphion protested. "I was fifteen and stupid, not precisely my fault."

"The latter part of that statement still reigns true today," Zeth said.

"You're just being mean."

"It's the truth. Livia, tell him it's the truth."

"It's the truth," Livia agreed. "It's absolutely the truth. Is she going to cut the cake, or are we just all going to stand here and admire it?"

"Admire it for a few more minutes, I think," Aurelius mused. "That's how it usually goes. Victoire's going to mess up the cutting of the cake."

"She'll literally only need to make one slice," Amphion huffed. "The rest will be handled by the catering staff."

"She's going to mess up that one single slice."

Zeth glared at his younger brother. "Why are you being like this?"

Aurelius just glowered in response.

"He's jealous," Livia laughed. "Are you jealous, Aurelius? Do you want us to throw another birthday party for you again? We could call it your half-birthday birthday party."

"I'm not jealous," Aurelius protested. "I just want them to cut the cake already so I can taste it."

"Yeah, sure. Where's your friend?"

"Shane? He and Pamela went looking for more plates on my mum's orders."

"How unfortunate," Livia mused.

Amphion tilted his head. "Is there meant to be something going on there? You've been hanging out with Shane a lot recently, and it doesn't seem all... platonic."

"Amphion—" Zeth winced, raising his hand, but Aurelius waved his hand in the air.

"Not sure yet. We'll see what happens there."

"Do you like him?" Amphion asked, raising a brow.

"I don't know," Aurelius admitted. "I have no idea. Actually no idea. But I don't think it matters much, I'll figure it out as I go along."

"Are you gay?"

"My god, Amphion," Livia shot out, rubbing her forehead. "This is not how you talk to people!"

"I'm trying to have a nice brotherly heart-to-heart here!" Amphion protested. "Might as well get straight to the point rather than beat around the bush pointlessly, you know?"

"But like, you don't need to get that quickly to the point."

"I don't mind," Aurelius said with a little laugh. "Don't worry. I genuinely do not mind. The answer is, I have no idea, Amph. I actually have no idea."

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