chapter nineteen, through the looking glass

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"KEEP ME UPDATED," Remiel warned, wagging her finger at Livia as they stood on the street outside the Wong mansion, the adults helping move her luggage into the taxi behind them.

Livia let out a snort. "Can't guarantee anything."

Pamela grinned, tilting her head. "I definitely can, though."

Remiel nodded approvingly at Pamela while delivering Livia a scathing glance, which she ignored, as usual. "At least one of my cousins is still willing to listen to me."

"Oh, I won't be keeping you updated just because you asked me to," Pamela retorted, shaking her head, "simply because I know it'll vex Livia."

True sisterhood, of course, was all about annoying the living fuck out of each other, but loving the other one at the end anyways. Livia rolled her eyes while Remiel frowned.

"I mean, I guess it's better than nothing," Remiel finally said with a sigh. "But seriously. Livia. Your goal for this summer from me. Get this sorted out. Talking terms would be nice, you know."

"Yes, ma'am."

"Remiel!" their mother walked over then, patting Remiel on the shoulder. "Your stuff is ready. We'll miss you."

"Aww, I'll miss you too, aunt. But I'll see you guys soon! Promise." With the blink of an eye, the tough-as-nails, always-getting-her-way Remiel was gone, replaced with the charming, obedient Remiel Wong every parent knew and loved. And everyone fell for it. Every single person.

"What a sweetheart," their mother sighed as Remiel climbed into the taxi, waving as the car drove off into the distance. "Why couldn't you two be more like her? Look at her grades. And she has a boyfriend from the mainland now! She showed us pictures, he looks very handsome!"

Pamela glanced sideways, face twisted in confusion. "Ma, you and baba have like, told us since we were babies that we weren't allowed to date until we were eighteen."

"Your sister is eighteen now," their mother said, raising her head.

"Just you wait until I get to university," Livia shot. "The moment I actually get a boyfriend, you're just going to start hating and regretting everything you ever said."

"No, you are a big girl now. I would not do that. Alright, come back in now. It's going to get cold outside."

Livia and Pamela exchanged an incredulous glance. It was dead in the summer, and even at night it would not be cold at all. Clearly just an excuse for them to stop standing in the middle of the streets.

Either way, they were both heading to Rory Madston's party tonight. Pamela and Anya were to hitch a ride in Livia's car (which had thankfully actually returned to her use, since Remiel was gone and could no longer claim authority over it due to her superior driving skills). Since Anya's house was on the route to Madston's anyways, Livia was just going to stop and pick them up on the way. Brie and Lila had their own ride.

Livia listened to her mother and went back inside, going up to her room. Once she'd closed the door, she stared at the dress she'd laid out on her bed, and then at the piles of makeup she'd already taken out and placed on her vanity. All for later, of course. But there was still three hours left before she had to leave for the party, so there didn't seem to be much of a point in starting to get ready right now. There was plenty of time for that later.

It was almost August, the middle of the summer. An entire month had already gone by while she was here in Briarville. It felt ridiculous, but it was true. Time had passed far too quickly, and Livia wasn't sure what to think about it. On one hand, she was happy that this would all be behind her soon, distant memory. On the other hand...

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