chapter thirty, nineteen's kitsch

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VICTOIRE CALVERT-EGERTON'S FOURTEENTH birthday was a monumental event. And for the newly-turned adults in the house, there was a deeper meaning behind all of it. It felt like the end of an era, and she supposed it was. It was the closing of this chapter of life, everyone accepting that those summers at Briarville were part of history, going off to universities and to embrace their lives. Their own independent lives, away from family and old friends since infanthood and leaving their own comfort zone.

But of course, the main spotlight was still on the little girl who stole everyone's hearts with a single smile.

"Look who's turning older," Livia cooed over the little blonde, messing up her hair with a wide grin on her face. "Fourteen, you little baby."

Victoire swatted her hand away. "You're ruining my hairdo!"

"It'll be fine," Livia told her, "you look absolutely perfect. Even more perfect with your hair slightly messed up by my hands."

Victoire narrowed her eyes at her. "What gift have you brought me?"

"Seriously?" Livia asked, shaking her head in disbelief. "That's what you care about."

Victoire replied, "You're being annoying."

Livia huffed. "Whatever. I got you a very nice and excellent gift, Victoire Calvert-Egerton. I think you'll like it."

"And what is it?"

"I started preparing months in advance," Livia sighed, "brought my gifts all the way from Hong Kong, you know. I even picked up some stuff from when I went to Shanghai during Christmas."

"Well," Victoire demanded, "what is it?"

Livia reached behind her, showing her a bag. "It's in here. You might want to wait until everyone else is here though, before opening it all up?" The Wongs had arrived at the Calvert-Egerton house since they were right next door anyways. Livia's mum said she wanted to help out. Nai nai was just bored.

Victoire sighed. "That's fair enough, I suppose." She still took it, though, setting it on an empty table that was likely reserved for gifts. "Here we go. I'll open it later. I won't forget."

"If you forget, I'd be concerned and gravely offended," Livia told her. "I'll hunt you down."

"Spooky," Victoire muttered. "But whatever. Leave me alone now, Livia. I need to go fix my hair."

Just for good measure, Livia gave Victoire another good patting on the head before humming a tune while she skipped into the kitchen. She was already hungry, and there was probably something in here she could take a bite of. Refreshments for later she could take a piece of that nobody would notice or blame her for.

Livia's mum wasn't here. Only a few catering staff were working away. There was a large cake on the kitchen island, and Livia admired it momentarily before snatching a banana off the counter and leaving with it. It was the most convenient thing she could grab without disturbing the staff.

She wasn't sure where Amphion and Zeth were, or Aurelius, for the matter. They'd all disappeared somewhere while she was chatting with Victoire. A few minutes later she located her sister in the living room, chatting with Aurelius. There was another boy there too—Shane, Livia remembered, from that time they bumped into him.

"Livia," Aurelius greeted.

"Hello, Aurelius. You're Shane, right?" The boy nodded in response, and Livia flashed a grin. "Nice to see you again. Pam, where's mum and dad? Or like, anyone else for that matter?"

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