Chapter 1, The lights&New world

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Location: Moskau, Union of Soviet Socialist Replublic (USSR) Kremlin senates
13th June, 1987. 12:59 PM, 1 minute before the transferences

President of USSR, Mikhail Gorbachev is sitting in his office doing his usual paperworks

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President of USSR, Mikhail Gorbachev is sitting in his office doing his usual paperworks.

"How the situation in Afghanistan?" Said Gorbachev asking his secretary

"Yes comrade, we experienced a major setback in the operation, many of our expensive equipment was lost in the Afghan territory, the US was already out there supporting the mujahideen by giving them weapons. If it continues like this, the military reputation will only plummet" said his secretary, Vladimir Poreschov.

"I see, maybe we will pull the troop out-"

Gorbachev's word was cut short by flash of light that engulfed entire mother Russia. The same thing happened with the United States.

Location: Washington D.C, United States of America (USA) Road to Pentagon
13th June, 1987 7:59 AM, 1 minute before the transferences

C, United States of America (USA) Road to Pentagon13th June, 1987 7:59 AM, 1 minute before the transferences

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President of the United States, Ronald Reagan is driving his ways to Pentagon.

"What a nice days today" said Ronald Reagan.

The word came right back at him when a bright light engulfed the United States.

"What the hell was that? I almost crashed my car" Ronald Reagan thought as he hurried himself and quickly drove to Pentagon.

As he arrived at the Pentagon, he met with his secretary and federal agents as they arrived at the meeting rooms. The President asked a question.

"Do anyone know what happened if you do, please raise your hand"

Nobody raised their hand until one of secretary came in.

"Mr.President we got a report. We lost contacted with every countries. We still can contact our satellite and space station in the orbit." The secretary report

"What!? We lost contacted with every countries?" Reagan asked

"Yes, Mr.President" the secretary answered and continue

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