Chapter 57: Desert storm

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Location: Great Muan Desert
30th July, 1633, 2:00 AM

7 of Gra Valkan's mechanized division roll through the sands under the chilly night and desert frost. They are moving toward the Muish army, which is positioned in the east 28, while hiding their location in the dark and being assisted by recently built attack helicopters. The wind was chopped by the blade as it passed through and above all of the armored cars.

"What a cold ass weather for a desert" Commander of the 4th Recon unit from the 5th Armored division, Megane spoke up.

He's sitting in his Type-92 heavy tank, staring through the viewing port at the outside world. Though they are moving along steadily, there is still a long way to go before they reach their destination. After a long day of travel, everything came to a halt, and they rested. The following morning, when they all awaken, they discover a tremendous desert storm unlike anything they have ever experienced.

"Woah! That a biggest storm if i ever seen one. Hey Sumi, ya wanna come outside?" Megane exclaimed and said in an ironic tone.

"Nah, I'm good" Sumi, Tank driver replied.

With all information and weapons at their disposal, the Imperial army readied a massive invasion of Mu. They had a small issue, but the army was severely underfunded, which meant that if this operation failed, the army would be no more. It's a really dangerous gambit. The 5th Armored and six other divisions that were sent to the front will take the lead in firing the opening shot as other 14 divisions stand by in the outskirts of the desert.

Scout planes report on all known enemy encampments and total units; their goal was a medium-sized Mu fortification near the "Dante" fort. The fort will be their primary worry, with around 470 Mu tanks patrolling the perimeter and another 200 tanks stationed within the fort. The entire area was blanketed in anti-tank armament, including the Muish army's hand-held anti-tank guns. The map shows that the entire east side is covered in trenches and fortifications.

Despite their overwhelming numbers, it would be difficult to break the Muish line. They continued their approach into the storm, but every flake of dust was obstructing their view. After emerging from the storms, they were faced with a massive Muish fortification.

"What the hell? I thought the report said it was 'medium' size!"

"Those air force guy need to get their eyes fixed.. damned them"

The Muish defender is still unaware that the Gra Valkans is standing in front of them at the time. Most of them were sheltering in trenches or structures to avoid the storm. However, the Muish patrol tank continued to prowl around. Megane looked through his viewing port at the thinnest spot in the wall of dusts and counted over 45 Muish tanks ready for combat. The sound of cutting blades passes by, it's their attack helicopter. It devastated the enemy with a barrage of rockets before turning back the ways they came.

Following the initial strike, the armored division easily punches through the Muish line. Mu's tank small caliber guns do them little harm, but anti-tank guns fear them the most. He could feel the 55mm round impacting the thick armor of his tank, but nothing happened. Megane searches for the attacker before instructing the gunner to turn the turret in that general direction. The 110mm cannon of the Type-92 stared back at the adversary, and with a single order, he shouted.


The barrel of the gun roars and launches the 110mm shell with speed faster than sound, leaving a loud whistling in its trail before slamming into the opposing armor and completely decimating it in a single shot. The anti-tank encampment was completely destroyed, with no one controlling them, it was simply too perfect. The mission was successful, and the artillery unit began bombarding the fort, opening the way for a major invasion. The campaign in the Great Muan Desert will be remembered as the greatest display of strategical planning and logistics by both the allies and the Gra Valkas empire.

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