Chapter 40: New era

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In 12th September, many nation from the 1st Civilized area hope to expand their influence into the east using the war to their advantage. While not all that significant to the stage of the war, it still prove dangerous.

Location: Ganzir bastion, Valgrin's kingdom, Parpaldia empire
12th September, 1632, 8:00 AM

The bastion fell under American's hand in a short bit of time, Parpaldian forces retreated unknowing that they're getting surrounded, retreating westward then they will met with American troops in desert and if retreating northward they will met with the American armored units. They dug themselves a grave on this battle.

Upon the outskirts of the bastion, in a tent, a temporary camp for Parpaldian. Mostly for strategic planning but the effectiveness is questionable in this situation. Many officer hold their head in the tent, this was beyond fixing.

"Sir! A news came from the headquarters!" Runner came barging in.

General interested in the news immediately.

"Say it"

"A fleets of bombers is coming to assist us! They said they will arrived in 3 hours and expected us to hold until then"

General eye twitched, 3 hours? They would be eradicated within 30 minutes how are they supposed to hold on for 3 hours?

"Are you serious? How are we going to hold on for 3 hours?"

"That's the question I gave them sir"

General clicked his tongue and called for meeting with unoccupied strategic officer immediately. The map was put on table and they begin discussing.

"We have limited time so we need to make this quick" Colonel said to all other officer.

"I agreed" Celiné replies.

They think for a while, charging in recklessly is rather not cost-effective, they can't hit a flank either due to the lack of manpower and weapon to do so.

"The area around bastion is just pure flat open field, it will be hard to conceal ourselves on the attack" said one of the officer.

"Instead of thinking about offensive or counter-offensive, we should be focusing on the defense" She turn down the plan of attacking American forces.

"If we were to focus on defensive then the enemie's air superiority will come right back at us, however" Colonel looked at the map.

"We could fool the enemies that we were weak and lack of troops to lure them in or away, but the main problem is their armored vehicles"

Celiné raised her hand, proposing her plan for dealing with American tanks.

"I have a plan for it" She said.

"Though we can't destroy them directly but we can partially trap or immobilized them to buy ourselves some times"

The general then ask her.

"How so?"

"Simply by digging a hole or trench deep enough for them and trap them there, we could use explosive to immobilized their tracks but I'm not sure about it so much" She replies.

"That's surprisingly simple for disposed something so powerful, do anyone have any plan for their aircraft?"

No one raised their hands, the jet fighter are beyond their capabilities to handled. She can't ignored Murphy's law either, if anything were to goes wrong it will goes wrong and it has already been in effect ever since Parpaldia invaded Alaska, she can't put all her confidence into the plan and be sad later.

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