Chapter 32: Ultimatum

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Location: Washington DC, White house, United States of America
1st September, 1632, 3:49 PM

The White house, one of the most iconic place in America. Flag of stars and stripes flies in the wind majestically, well this isn't a very good day for America though since 50 of their countrymen lives is held on a line.

"Mr.President, excuse my manners"

"What is it?" He asked.

"We received a message from Parpaldia empire, it more of an ultimatum. The translation team has been working on it and are able to translate some of the important part and I'm here to give it to you"

The federal agents handed him the ultimatum, if anything this is just absurd the request was absolute nonsense. The terms in the ultimatum is just unfair.

-United States will withdraw it forces out of Philade

-United States will give up 10 of it northern states and break ties with other nation in the east

-Industrial zone will be given to Parpaldia

-United States will share it technology with the empire

-The populaces is rightfully a resources for the empire

-The power will be taken from it's leader and the United States become a puppet for the empire

-Other eastern nation that participated in the war will pay for the compensation of 500 millions Nidge or 20,000 tons of golds

If United States did not replies within two days after receiving this ultimatum, the prisoner of war will be publicly executes.

"This is.. are they serious?"

"Yes Mr.President, i believe so"

This ultimatum finally raised their awareness that handful amount of American are captured as prisoner of war.

"How will you reply sir?"

"Refused. Sent out a reply that we don't agree with this terms, also prepare the special forces for a rescue mission"

"Understood" Agent walk out the door.

Location: Yuma, United States of Nigrat, Second Civilized area
1st September, 1632, 4:00 PM

In matter of a days an entire civilized nation collapse, the government structure was smashed to pieces and under the occupation of Gra Valkas empire will Nigrat never recovered. And yes there's Parpaldian troops caught up in a fire fights. Which lead to them also declaring war on Gra Valkas empire, but unfortunately they would not do much due to United States under their turfs.

Parpaldian convoy of 108th mobile infantry moving through the countryside in town of Yuma in Nigrat unaware that they going into enemie's territory. Engine of the auto mobile and armored vehicles puffed a smoke every seconds and the sound would alerted any animals nearby.

"..God, when can we go back home"


"Lieutenant, aren't you feeling this hot sun here?"

"Well, I lived in Kity desert city so this isn't much different"

"How do you even live in desert, i would be burning to death. I'm gonna kill myself over this fucking heat. This fucking continent and this fucking forest.."

"But sir, we had been called back to Philade"

"I know that, why do you think i ordered a mobolization for? Just how long we will reach the HQ"

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