Chapter 49: Calm before the storm

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Location: Wasat island, Balkan seas
23th July, 1633, 1:20 PM

"What!? We lost contact with Eckes?!" Fleet admiral, Lettal distressed.

"Yes sir, we haven't been able to contact them since last night"

"Oh my fucking god.."

One of their battleship went missing without no one knowing what happened in the south, they send out a retrieval squad after the news reach their ears. 3 more days before the battle but they certainly hasn't aware of it yet, using the image from the probe in space they're able to obtain the exact numbers of Gra Valkas fleet.

"..They have total 168 vessels in the fleets, how can a lone nation be able to gather that enormous fleet? Not to mention it completely made of modern ships" He ask.

"We don't know sir but it seem they are still stand by in island of Kilbni. However there will be 30 hours delay before we can gather the intel again"

"That's a big problem, we should send out some scout plane"

"That would be great if those babarian isn't also looking to use the same tactic on us too"

He hold his head, they never thought that they would need to use a strategy to defeat a babarian. He turn his face and ask for their forces numbers.

"What we could gather now is around 274, more of them will come to support us along with Mu east blue fleet and their Oceanic task force"

"This mean we vastly outnumbered them.. isn't it?"

"That might be it"

Outside, at the port. With this many ship they are facing alot of problem, the need of supplies and such. Most of the sail ship or magic ship can stay up without fuel, no problem but with the more modern ships that they're having a problem. There's not enough space in the port so they were all left tingling in the seas. There are total of 10 nations currently participating in the battle and that is the entirety of Central world and Gillius principalities, a native that reside within Wasat Isles and then finally Mu. All have the same objective, defeat the Gra Valkans.

Banding together make them the great world alliance fleet that consisted of whopping 416 ships not including aerial combatants. If they can't win this battle then it will stains in their name for eternity, they have the greatest magic and technology gather in one place just to face one 'babarian'. How wonderful.

Location: Union of Rodenius, Qua-toyne
23th July, 1633, 1:43 PM

The news of the declaration was spread all over, it took time to reach the east and here they are. The thing was broadcast through radio and television which include in the United States itself too.

"Today, we bring you a shocking news. On 10th of July this year, Holy Milishial empire had declared war on Gra Valkas empire not only that the other countries joined on Holy Milishial empire sides leaving Gra Valkas with almost no allies at all. After a couple of days, World's fleet navy led by Milishian travel from the central world to the sea of Second Civilized area in pursuit of Gra Valkans" the news caster continue speaking.

"A war huh?" Celiné question.

"With this many major power participating it wouldn't be wrong to call this a 'world war'. No big battle has occurs yet after the declaration, but it seem like it will likely happen soon judging by our satellite image right here"

The image zoom on the green fields of nature, among it has a thin line that span across the landscape as far as the eyes could see.

"There is no remark from the president yet, it seem that we will mostly stay out of this war for our own good. See you again after our advertisement" the channel cuts off to a car advertisement.

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