Chapter 24: Imminent demise

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Location: Rodenius sub-continent, outside of civilized areas
25th August, 1632, 10:28 AM

"Breaking News! Breaking News! United States officially declare war on Parpaldia empire!" Errand boy said with excitement.

Many people in Rodenius took interested in the news. This could be a revolutionary events. No one ever dare to challenge a superpower except other superpower. But the outcome of this war could be different. In a tavern in city of former capital of Louria, Jin-Hark.

"Huh? American declared war on Parpaldia empire.. wait what!?"

"Holy crap! This is unexpected!"

"It seem like they about to attack on southern part of Parpaldia empire too!"

The tavern is getting more noisy than ever and there's also more people in the places too.

"They even ask every country on Rodenius to mobilize their army. Heh even us, Louria were asked too" former Louria cavalry men speak up.

"But our army was wiped out, we don't even have hundred"

"Haven't you heard? We established an international forces between us, Qua-toyne and Quillia. To put it simply Rodenius has been united under American rules"

Many people were surprised and shocked. The idea of Rodenius being united without war and bloodshed is nothing but a fever dream. But under American rules? Minority of Louria population can't accept this whatsoever. There has been an anti-American movement ever since the day the king was killed but isn't this gonna spread it further?

Now look at it, Rodenius has been advancing dramatically both technology and infrastructure. Qua-toyne got highway and better railroad. Quillia have sky scraper and even an oil well, but Louria still couldn't catch up due to the damage from the last war. It will stained in the heart of Lourian forever.

"'Under American rules'? Such bullshit!" one of anti-American member thought.

On the otherside. Rodenius's international army has been gathering manpower from all over the continent. They have trade with the US and got their hands on some high tech stuff like Jet fighter, missile, helicopter and even modern warship. This was due to their good relationship with America especially for Qua-Toyne. The standard issue rifle for RIA is M1 garand or so they called it, there is many good feedback from the soldiers about the quality of the weapon. It was much better than single shot rifle they were used to.

Everything was going smoothly for Rodenius.

Location: New Berngen, Occupied Topa, 3rd Civilized area
26th August, 1632, 7:50 AM

The same morning with demonic creatures at the city's walls. Parpaldian guard have not even rest one bit as the forces of demon lord can penetrate the city's wall at any given time. They prepared everything and every weapon they have waiting for opposing sides to make a moves.

On the demon lord side, thing were not looking good for him either.

"Are you kidding me? These humans they're so much different from my first encounter. It irritates me that this puny rats has even begun to advance so much that it remind me of those 'Emissaries of the Sun God'.." The Demon lord, Nosgorath speak.

"Your highness, it may be true that they have advance so far but they were surprisingly weak against us" Red ogre replies.

"It also seem they don't have that metallic bird the Emissaries had. It hurt me everytime when i remember my brother in arms crumbled from those junks" Blue ogre said.

"I guess it time for us to launch an attack on them" Demon lord stand up from seat.

He order an attack right away. Parpaldian is alert by the incoming invasion and quickly go to their position. Machine gun fires sounded, civilian take shelter and prays. The situation is do or die.

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