Chapter 35: Fight of the Valkyries

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Location: Eastern skies, 3rd Civilized area
4th September, 1632, 7:00 AM

The Stinger squadron took off along with the B-2 Spirit, F-15 in the airs escorting the flying wings. The lead wing of 307th Fighter squadron is Colonel Mishin Gegerson, riding in his F-15E Strike eagle same with his wingman. The other in the squadron operated F-15C Eagle and F-15B Eagle. They will make sure nothing could touch the B-2 bomber.

"Sky high, altitude 10,000 ft"

"We can goes higher" B-2 pilot proposed.

"I doubt they can detect us even at this height it wouldn't be necessary"

"Negative Stinger 1, we will raise our altitude"

"Fine, as you wish Grim reaper"

They goes higher into the skies, altitude is now 16,000 ft above the seas levels revealing a vast landmasses even bigger than Eurasia of Philade. The landing is still going on but that isn't their concerns, the only objective for them is to make dispose of Parpaldian fleets. They fly for hour and is now closing in to the target and then unexpected encounter as the F/A-18 Hornet from the Navy join them in an operation.

"Greeting Stinger, mind if we take a bite?"

"Oh shut up, you gonna take a big bite isn't it?"

"Positive Stinger. You read my mind"

Strike Fighter Squadron 97 of the Navy has unofficially take part in the bombing campaign. The lead wings of this squadron, Major Frids A. Hinder fly side by side the Stinger squadron in his F/A-18C

"ETA 5 minutes, ready your gears"

Colonel Mishin said into his transmitter. They all get into combat position just as AWACs radio in.

"Report to the tactical bomber group. This is AWACs and we spotted an enemies ahead and heading to your location be aware"

..That exceed everyone's expectations, the fact that Parpy is capable enough to send their aircraft up to sky and just high enough to be detect by AWACs, maybe they weren't awared they're even here it just a little warning to make them unease but well when something goes wrong, it will goes wrong.


Frids shouted into transmitter as a bunch of what to be jet fighter emerge from a cloud.. the Beta-3FG that was import to Parpaldia years ago finally see the light after sitting in the hangars unused. Holy Milishial want to throw away their old fighter so they look to Parpaldia which is the biggest trade partner and that how they got this advance fighter, but they have little less than 20 so Imperial air force has to make it counted.

"They're probably a named squadron or even an aces, be aware" Mishin warn the Warhawks.

"We're always careful! See you Stinger!"

They break off from the formation and engage the enemies, 12 F/A-18 vs 15 Beta-3FG and 2 Beta-3FG/C. One of the most unlikely fight of this war.

The lead wings of the Grundel squadron is Colonel Joghe Digarsom, an aces of Parpaldia airforce and sometime even a folklore that was spread among the lots, a man who take on an entire air division of wyverns and manage to hold his line alone, a man who's even better than the veteran of Holy Milishial now turning his sight against his new foes.

The Grundel fired off their warhead toward the Warhawks. American squadron split out turning warhead out of the courses and fire off their own missiles, 1 Beta-3FG down, 14 more to go. Again the Warhawks split out into small wing and perform complex aerial maneuver however the bandits this time is different.

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