Chapter 27: Motherland

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Location: Arjin, Leifor, Second Civilized area
27th August, 1632, 9:00 AM

Walls of sandbags, barricade and small hut was made within a day by only 60 Soviet mens. Overall troops is 200 with 140 Soviet mens in the rear. Led by Sergey Tkachyov, victory is not guaranteed.

By 9:30 AM Gra Valkans fighter fly passes the city in the names of scouting, fortunately Soviet's fortification blend in with the areas and completely unseen by the pilot. Unawared Gra Valkans moved toward the city of Arjin thinking that it would be easy and unresisted occupation, they were wrong.

9:50 AM, armored vehicles out in front. They are now out of the woods, silenceness fill the scene. Cold wind blow through with the sight of crumbled citadel ahead. The sound of engine still goes on as they march through, no resistance and gun fires as expected.

"Finally, we finally capture this darn city" one of the troop said.

"Huh? What about it? Didn't i heard that people in this world are technological inferior to us?"

"Yes, they are but.. there's some nation that could give us a problem. I lost my best friend on that day"

"Woah, i wonder who they are"

"I think they're called Mu or something like that. The second strongest nation in this world"

"Second strongest nation!? If they could give us problem i can't imagine the strongest one capabilities!"

"..Yeah, you're right"

Click, and explosion rush out of the ground under the armored vehicles. And then another one. The march halted as everyone stop everything and stood still. The results from the explosion twisted the MkII hound's hull with it turrets flew off before falling down as a piece of scraps. This is a killzone, full of landmine ready to goes off as somebody make one wrong moves.

"What do we do!?" One guy shouted.

"Slowly walk, don't run, don't panic" his Sergeant said.

They slowly advance through the field carefully observing their surrounding, no man insight just a sandbag.. wait a sandbag? Before they could realized and fired their gun. The other side shot first. The shot was heard around the world as the Soviet hold an impossible line, no support other than mortar and 1 BTR-70. Also was outnumbered 100:1. The soldier that got shot was unrecognizable, was that a bullet? His head rendered to pieces. 12.7×108mm round impacted the ground after killing the poor soul, big cloud of dirt is kicked up from the impact.

"Fire!" Lieutenant called.

The troops hold up their bolt-action rifle and fire a barrage at the fortification. Full fletch gun fires broke out, Soviet's AK fires in the general direction of a still target and accurately hit it marks. The Gra Valkans couldn't moved as the landmines are all around, MkII hounds moved foward while firing it machine gun only to be met with 9k111 Faggot or what the west called 'AT-4 spigot'. Frontal armor of the tank was erased, the Gra Valkans finally know how outmatched they are. The weapon that could destroys their tank in one hit? It make them scared to the bone but it not the end yet. AK fires is still howling toward them.

No one could hold it anymore and start running in different directions only to be kill by a landmines. Gra Valkans uses a machine gun of their own to retaliate which work perfectly, the rifleman is advancing toward the Soviet while Soviet troops is being pinned down. The down side is that their armored vehicles platoon is almost wiped out. Suddenly the machine gunner behind the lines get his brain blown off giving the chances to the Soviet troops on pushing them back.

"SNIPER!!!" Someone shouted before he got his brain blown off too.

If they don't rush now it would be worse, Gra Valkans troops fix their bayonet and charge the outnumbered Soviet troops, landmines goes off left and right. PKM effectively mow them down with the monstrous amount of firepower, along with the AK-74.

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