Chapter 54: Great naval battle IV

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Location: Runepolis, Holy Milishial empire, First Civilized area
24th June, 1633, 6:00 AM

It been 2 days since the naval battle of balkan seas started, Milishian higher up is waiting for results patiently but they wonder to themselves that a naval battle should lasted this long? It usually ended within an hour or so. After the news of deployment of the Pal chimera the government immediately start up their gears and roll out a propaganda campaign with a help of the Navy.

'Hunt the Atlasta!', is what on the head of the paper. Something to increase the patriotism within the population, they set up Gra Valkas empire to be like a devil from the pit of hell and supposed to be drive away like a devil they are. War supports multiplied ten fold after this propaganda, many new recruits is pouring in only in a single day. All this manpower will become essential in the war later, when they finally land on Mu continent.

Holy Milishial empire is in full mobolization for war, never before seen in history. Even other nations in central world is concerns about this.

Location: West border seas
24th June, 1633, 7:00 AM

A fleets of dreadnought class ship sail through the seas, they belong to royal navy of Central Kingdom. Despite the kingdom's relatively small size, they still are able to possesses these dreadnought and even begin the process of rapidly producing them. In the bridge of the flagship, HNS Ambition. Admiral Belenik look out at the vast seas infront of him.

"The Holy navy did really screwed up eh?"

"Screwed up is an understatement.. the world alliance fleets lost half of it forces in the first two days" Officer replies.

"I thought this wouldn't get any worse but.. damned expectations"

The droplets of rains impact the ship as it sail by. It was a glorious sight.

"Look Admiral, it seem like we contact unidentified vessels" Captain point his finger out in the general direction.

"Hm... Those sure are big ship" Belenik comment.

"Contact the scout wyvern, we need to know that if the vessels is hostile or not" Warrant officer said.

"If those guys are enemies then they must be stranded. I don't think it worth our time"

"That's right! We should go reinforce with the Holy navy immediately"

Before the debate could go on any further. Wyvern rider report of the current situation did not go as they thought. It a Gra Valkans heavy cruiser, 4 of them that sneak through Holy navy radars. More report was made but even before it could be completed, the contact was cut off by then. Gra Valkans heavy cruiser is said to be slightly bigger than their dreadnought but what terrified them is that the gun have less chance to misses due to it's targeting system.

Compare to them that still use manual control, it obvious that they can't fight properly. However if they think about it, they got more guns. If they can use that to advantage then they might win. Officer ring an alarm on the ship to alert the crew to battle station, they are going to go full on broadside with the enemies. Admiral walk out of the bridge and shout.

"I want every men onboard to the battle station right now!"

Gunnery sergeant run down the stair and quickly head to their station. Navigation officer look into his binoculars to have a better views on the enemies, droplets blocking the lens of the binoculars as he continue to observe. Every guns on the ship is lock and load, the 12 inch main gun face the starboard side. This might be the closest battle to the central world and as the mark for Gra Valkan's terrifying advancement. Unless they take the fight to the central world themselves..

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