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"Ah, Lorenzo! I see you've met Keith, my newest star!"

Both Keith and I jumped back to normal positions as our heads snapped to the sudden voice that filled the building. It was Coach, who had apparently come in at God knows what moment, and I prayed he didn't just see all that.

"Newest star?" I questioned, confused as to why the Keith Kingston would ever join the figure skaters.

To my surprise, Keith roughly shoved me away -which made me fall on my butt- and turned to face Coach.

Keith shook his head and scoffed. "I don't know which one of your faggots gave you the idiotic idea that I would be 'your new star', but that's absolute bullshit."

I felt a sting in my chest; I knew Keith was an asshole, but those kinds of words still hurt every time someone said them.

Coach's face turned into a confused expression, slowly morphing into anger. "I do not tolerate such words about my amazing skaters. Leave, and don't ever come back, do you hear me?"

Keith didn't seem affected by Coach's words at all; he just smirked and abruptly turned around.

"I am so sorry about that, Lorenzo. I just thought..." he trailed, thinking about the best way to vocalize his thoughts. "I was expecting a new addition to show up today, and when I saw Keith my mind just automatically connected the two, you know? I shouldn't have assumed that someone...Someone like him would set his pride aside for once." He closed his eyes for a moment, then opened them again; Coach's signature way of showing he was content with his choice of words.

I finally crawled up from the cold floor and sighed, still trying to take in what had just happened.

"It's fine, Coach, don't worry about it. Keith's a jerk and that's not your fault," I reassured him, although it was true that Coach could be a bit...Impulsive.

Coach walked over to me and patted my shoulder, another thing he'd always do, and I kind of hated it.

"What would I do without you, huh? Go get your practice, Italian boy," Coach croaked, half-joking.

Yeah, Coach liked to call me 'Italian boy,' which gave me the ick, but I suppressed those feelings for Coach's sake.


I grunted as I reached my arms out to my toes while forcing my legs to stay unbent; also known as stretching.

"You look really stupid right now, just thought you should know."

I swear I could feel my soul leaving my body as I yelped in shock, tumbling forward, already accepting that this would be how I died. Just as I thought my face was going to hit the bench that was in front of me, something -or better said, someone- caught me.

I slowly opened my eyes, only to realize that Keith had lazily caught me by holding his hands firmly yet effortlessly against my shoulders, pushing me away from the bench. I stared at him in utter confusion, wondering why he would pass the opportunity to watch me suffer through immense pain caused by him and not because I'm easily scared and I wasn't focused on my balance. Keith's face was once again completely expressionless, yet for some reason, I could sense some sort of irritation forming.

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