🎄Christmas Magic🎄

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Well hello there! Picture attached above was my inspiration for a specific scene in this chapter:3
The beginning of the end y'all! Playlist will be updated soon :^



There was something magical about Christmas. Something so sincere and pure, that only the eyes of those who observe could see it. Maybe it were the colorful lights draped over people's homes, illuminating the streets late at night and early in the morning. Or maybe the thin layer of snow coating our little world until almost all colors seemed stripped away. All colors, except for the lights, of course. The smell of cinnamon candles and hot chocolate twirling out of the cozy cafes, inviting you to come inside and curl up in a soft booth, surrounded by pillows.

But my favorite part about it all, had nothing to do with any of those. I glanced to my side, smiling at my Mom as she switched between TV channels, on the hunt for the channels with Christmas movies. Curled up in a fluffy blanket, a platter of Christmas cookies on the coffee table, and a steaming hot mug with cinnamon-spice tea warming up my hands, I felt at peace.

My head flopped against Mom's shoulder as my eyes slowly fluttered shut. I could feel her smile.

"Hey, Augustino."


"Where the Hell are the gorillas!?"

"What are you thinking about?" Her soft voice flushed around my head like calm waves brushing against the shore.

I bit my lip to contain a stupid smile threatening to creep up my face. "Nothing..."

Mom chuckled, swatting her hand at my chest. "Voi meglio non avere sporcho pensieri nel corso di Natale!"

I burst out laughing, burying my red face in Mom's arms while repeatedly hitting her with my sleeve. "Oh my God, mamma!" But she just laughed at me, swatting my sleeve away with a flap of the blanket I was now tangled in. "It was not like that! Lo giuro!"

"Tsk, what else got you giggling like that then, hm?" she questioned, raising her i-don't-believe-a-word-you-said skeptical brow at me.

I threw my head back with a groan, causing Mom to snicker once more. "Why is life so complicated," I dragged out, muffled by the sleeves of my hoodie. "Am I stupid?"

Mom shook her head with a smile before reaching over to the coffee table to grab a cookie. She then threw that cookie at my face. I snorted, lazily pulling the cookie into my mouth with my lips. Mom tutted with a chuckle, grabbing another cookie for herself. "You're not stupid. You have feelings and you can't just turn them off, right?"

I huffed, squishing my cheeks between my hands. "I guess. Then why am I the only one with permanent feelings?"

"Because you care about people. Maybe a little too much."

I felt my lips twist into a teasing smile. "So you're saying they don't care about me-?"

"That's not—" she stopped mid-sentence as she looked at me, slowly realizing I was only joking. Letting out a playful scoff, she said, "Merry Christmas, Lorenzo."

The Rink (BXB) (COMPLETE~ UNDER EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now