🧿If Eyes Could Speak🧿

406 12 19

Hey loves<3 I have nothing much to say except enjoy! And the playlist will be updated ASAP.


[*Keith's POV*]

The cold winter air sliced through my skin, slowly numbing my fingertips as well as my lips. I had no plan, no destination in mind. And maybe that was for the best. My feet tapped against the pavement in a steady pattern, occasionally splashing through the sad remains of what once was a puddle. A shiver rolled up my spine when I felt my phone buzz in my pocket. 

The Chocolate Milk Man (16:22);
should come to the performance thingy 2night

if u wanna make things right then B there

I felt the smallest of a smile creep up my frozen face at Derek's stupid contact name, which he had forcefully set himself. I was just too lazy to change it. 

Keith K (16:31);
CU there


 My feet clattered across the pavement without a break, heaves of cold air pumping in and out of my lungs. I felt this heavy pressure to make it on time, even though I knew deep down Lorenzo probably wouldn't give less of a shit. Finally, I pushed myself past the back entrance door to reveal a massive horde of people buzzing around their seats and tables. A slow wave of chaos struck me in my chest, chatter and laughter echoing through the building. My heartbeat didn't seem to calm down even in the slightest; it felt worse. I scanned the area, hoping to see some familiar face, although I couldn't really think of anyone I knew who might be here.

Roaming around the busy place, I found myself an empty spot at the very back of the bleachers, deserted of any people. From up here, I had pretty much perfect sight of the rink. As the minutes slowly ticked away, I found myself zoning out, waiting for the goddamn people to quiet down so the show could start. Why did everyone always have to be so loud?

"Good evening, ladies and gents! I am ecstatic to welcome all of you to our annual End Of The Year performance night, carried by our amazing students!" Coach's booming voice rang through the building, gaining rounds of thunderous applause and cheering. I realized my hands were softly clapping as well, damn it.

Once the cheering calmed down, Coach shuffled through some cards before returning his attention to the crowd. "We'll be starting the night off with the mesmerizing performance of Lorenzo Augustino!"

All the spotlights dimmed down except for the one exactly in the middle of the rink, waiting for Lorenzo's arrival, holding up the power of its guidance. I sucked in a breath, blocking out any remaining thoughts in my head, solely focusing on the sight in front of me.

A dead silence fell over the audience, draping us all underneath a blanket of anticipation as we waited.

Music filled up the building, playing so delicately, it reminded me of little rain droplets on a summer night, trickling down your face as you ran for shelter, laughing because you had no worries yet. That's when he appeared, graciously gliding over the ice, immediately capturing everyone's attention just by existing.

The big spotlight hit his face, illuminating every little detail I'd grown to love over the past months. The little crinkles next to his eyes, ones which he had gotten from his mom, the focused gaze in his eyes, pulling all the muscles tense, and the most captivating green eyes I had ever seen. Eyes so green, not a single forest could actually compare. Not the grass on the first spring days of the year, not the matcha tea from the coffee shop downtown, not even the neon green rings Ashley loved to wear. None of them compared to the endless depths of emotion, once captured and forever locked away behind the curtains of iridescent green that were his eyes. Those eyes who had smiled at me every time I kissed his lips, those eyes who had cried endless tears caused by things completely out of their control, those eyes who had guided Lorenzo's hands through the poems he loved to write, and those eyes I loved, because they were his eyes.

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