Word of Thanks+ other things

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Hello everyone! Before anything else, I just want to thank each and every one of you for keeping me motivated and making the writing process even more enjoyable. It means the world to me that all of you took the time to sit down and read my story, whether that was just a few paragraphs or the entire thing. Love you all! <333

A special thanks goes to @FizzyTheFrog, my best friend and biggest fan (her words, not mine). Thank you<3

Now, this was my first time writing a complete story, and it is definitely not perfect. Far from, actually. But worry not! I've got a plan. 

In the past few weeks, I've been working on a new story— oop. Can't disclose too much info, but I can say this; short story, gay, loads of fluff, summer. How's that sound? 

But, I'm not entirely done with this story either. Here's what I'm gonna do;

I will be editing the chapters of this story, probably one chapter every 1-2 weeks. This won't affect the storyline or anything like that, it'll just make it easier to read and of course grammatically correct. Especially the first few chapters need editing. A lot.

At the same time, I'll be doing my best to start writing and uploading the new story, after figuring out the plotline. 

Somewhere in the future, I'll be completely rewriting this story, but the rewritten version won't be available here. Instead, you'll be able to buy it on Amazon! The rewritten version will include entirely rewritten chapters and scenes, fixed plotlines and character development, and even new chapters! 

And well, that's all I've got for now. I hope you enjoyed reading this story and that you'll stay around for what's more to come! For updates on everything, don't hesitate to follow me and add this story to your reading list, thanks!

Stay happy and hydrated and see you all soon<3

The Rink (BXB) (COMPLETE~ UNDER EDITING)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat