🌜Sleepover - Part 1.🌛

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^ugh doesn't Keith just look amazing😭.

Heya!! Forget last chapter taking like a month, say hello to this chapter!!!

This will come in two separate parts because it'll be too long otherwise. Enjoy<3


[*Lorenzo's POV*]

I strolled down the streets at a relaxed pace. The further I got, the more the scenery changed. The uptight, slightly older houses made space for bigger ones. The bigger houses turned into full-blown mansions. Luxurious cars were proudly parked on each porch, and the massive houses let off a high-end, heavy vibe. The grit crunched underneath my feet, little leaves flowing through the wind. I could smell the fall, seeing as though it was the start of November. It smelled of rain and dried-up leaves, of wet grass that looked more like a muddy mess. A cold breeze tickled its way up my neck, making me shiver.

I enjoyed going on walks on the weekends, they brought me peace. Though usually, I tried my best to stay away from these rich neighborhoods. It made me feel uncomfortable to think about the type of people that lived here. For some reason, today I found myself wandering around the mansions, the smooth, fresh-looking streets, and the oddly designed statues that covered most front porches. Any sense of liveliness was long gone due to the lack of nature and well, life. All the people were either inside their homes or working somewhere else to be able to afford them in the first place. The grit had made space for tightly placed tiles, merging into the concrete front porches.

The faint sound of barking snapped me out of my trail of thoughts. I glanced around to try and find where the sound was coming from but with no success. The barking got louder, and I felt my chest tighten. I wasn't necessarily scared of dogs, but for some reason, I felt uneasy not knowing where the dog was.

I looked around once more, scanning my surroundings with utter detail. Far in the distance, I saw something moving. A dark silhouette that kept getting bigger with each passing second. For a moment, I thought it might have been some sort of small bear or an insane child. But as I kept walking closer, my eyes proved to me that it was indeed a dog. A cute one, I realized.

As it came closer, it seemed to notice my presence and came to a stop. The dog excitedly started jumping around me, whimpering and wagging its tail. I laughed awkwardly, still not feeling entirely sure whether or not to trust this dog. Thick, fluffy, black fur flowed around its body, little bits of white here and there. A shimmery black hue in its eyes, a playful glint shone across.

I decided to kneel to the dog's height, to make myself seem less intimidating. Not that I was an intimidating person, hell, I'd get scared by my own reflection. Filled with hesitation, I reached out to pet its head, and to my surprise, it let me. The dog bopped its head against my hand, making me laugh at its happiness. I did wonder, what was this beautiful dog doing outside on its own?

I tried to look for a collar underneath all that fluff, and I found one. Dark crimson contrasted against a shimmering silver pendant.


I smiled at the name, it fit perfectly. But the pendant didn't have an address on it. Anxiety gnawed at me, my heartbeat picking up. What if someone thought I had stolen this dog?

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