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Heyo! It's been a while, but our favorite two boys are back! The next few chapters might be a bit shorter than usual, seeing as I finally figured my plotline out and it'll just work better. I hope you don't mind:3 As always, the playlist (link in bio) will be updated ASAP. Enjoy the chapter!


My heart thumped against my chest as I walked down the corridors, silhouettes of people looming over me at a dreadful speed. Gravity pulled me forward, yanking me through the crowd without a second thought. Anxiety lurked behind every corner, waiting for the smallest inconvenience to happen so it could viciously attack me with no mercy.

I winced when someone bumped into my shoulder, muttering a meaningless apology as they dashed further into the crowd. Sleep hadn't been on my side either, it seemed, the heavy bags under my eyes functioning as living proof. Next to that, I had not received a single word from Keith. Nothing. After endless missed calls, a bunch of text messages, and even voicemails, he replied to none. Nothing at all, safe for the haunting memory of Keith's Dad's expression when he caught us. For the life that dropped out of Keith's eyes when he realized. For the weight pulling at my feet with each step I took until reality slipped away from me. For the sleepless nights that followed, or the lack of appetite that had engraved itself into my system. The entire weekend, I spent in pain, in constant worry— no, in constant fear.

The pale blue tiles seemed to go on forever and ever, each step I took making space for another one in an infinite loop. I momentarily squeezed my eyes shut to brace myself for the floodway of memories that was bound to burst into my brain.

"Hey tesoro, che ti succede? Sembri stanco. (Hey, honey, what's up with you? You look tired)," Mom asked, stepping closer to brush a curl out of my face.

"Va tutto bene, mamma. I just didn't sleep well, that's all," I lied, guilt already pushing up my throat.

She sucked her teeth in disbelief, staring into my sleep-deprived eyes. I tiredly swatted her hand away from my hair before I made my way to the counter.

"Lorenzo I"

"It's fine, mamma, really," I pressed, cutting her off from her worried ranting.

She gave me a skeptical look, seemingly unconvinced. Nonetheless, she appeared to give in and dropped the subject, to my ultimate relief. Stirring her tea, Mom closed her eyes for a moment before asking, "So, how did practice go? With that con quel ragazzo..." Her words died on her lips as she furrowed her brows, trying to figure the right words out. "Ah, come si chiamava di nuovo...Keith! (Ah, what was his name again...Keith!)" Her eyes sparked up with pride at her revelation.

I swallowed. "Just fine." I stared out of the window, hoping the blinding sunlight could burn my tears away.

"Non dirmi queste stronzate, tsh. How'd it go?"

I rolled my eyes, fiddling with my sleeves to avoid eye contact. I didn't feel the strength to answer her, instead, I let my thoughts roll all the way back to yesterday. He hurled a vase at him...

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