🎡Ducks and Hugs At The Fair🎡

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Ahhhh hey!!! I'm super excited about this extra long chapter omg! I hope you enjoy, and if you do, don't forget to comment and vote:3


[*Keith's POV*]

"Dude, did you hear Ashley's going to the fair this Saturday?" Derek chirped eagerly, once again shoving my shoulder as we sat our trays down at the table.

I sucked my teeth in annoyance before bluntly stating; "No." I took a sip of water, showing no interest in holding a conversation with this idiot. 

Derek rolled his eyes as he bit into an apple. "That was the wrong answer," he swallowed before continuing, "you were supposed to be excited."

Now it was my turn to roll my eyes at pouting Derek. "Have you ever seen me excited?"

"Whatever, what I meant to say is, I need a favor," he said whilst attempting a basketball-like throw of his apple core toward the trashcan, but failed miserably. Instead, it hit no one other than Ashley. She turned around furiously, rubbing her head. As soon as she saw Derek, she threw him off before throwing away the core.

From all the things Derek could have done in this situation, he chose to wink at Ashley.

Fucking idiot.

Derek turned back to me, probably hoping I would pretend that nothing had happened. Why was he my friend again?

"If this is what the average male is like, I would be a lesbian too," I muttered just above a whisper, yet not loud enough for him to hear.

"What?!" Derek gaped at me.

"What?" I shrugged whilst furrowing my eyebrows at him.

He raised an eyebrow at me, before deciding he had probably misheard me. "So uhm, the favor?" he asked, trying to change the subject.

I sighed, stretching my arms as I replied; "What about it?"

"Well," he shifted his position away from everyone, but most importantly, from Ashley, "I need someone to go to the fair with me."

I almost choked on my water, causing Derek to give me a concerned look.

"Absolutely not."

"C'mon dude, why not?" 

"Because I will not waste my time playing your acquaintance whilst you stalk your pathetic crush," I spat back, this time making sure anyone who'd walk past us could hear me.

"It's not stalking! It's just, ehm, a forced coincidence..?"

I rolled my eyes at him, this guy was hopeless.

"Please? Also, it's not like you have anything better to do," he said, and I hated to admit it, but he was right.

I sighed, but I knew I had no excuses anymore. Unless laying in my bed all day until I get bored and go fight with Alex counts, I truly had nothing better to do. "Just a fair warning, but I'm not paying shit, yeah?"

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