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Hey everyone! This time I attached 'Flashed Junk Mind' by Milky Chance above, my ultimate comfort song and the inspiration for this chapter! I marked the part where I recommended listening to it with two "🎃".


[*Lorenzo's POV*]



I smiled at my phone, content with the emojis I had chosen for Keith's contact name. Even if it had taken three days. It had been a little over a week since everything went down, since the kiss. Neither of us had said a word about it, and I surely wouldn't be the one to break the ice. I was almost certain it had just been the heat of the moment, and nothing more. Ever since, we had been texting back and forth quite a lot, a change I didn't mind for once. At school, nothing much had changed, except for the fact that Derek and his gang had left me alone. Thank God. Occasionally, we'd sneak glances at each other, or he'd unironically wink at me from across the room.

Still, I couldn't help the disappointed silence falling over me every time I entered the rink all by myself. I couldn't blame Keith for not showing up anymore, even though I still didn't know what exactly was going on with his parents. But I knew it hurt him, and that was the worst part about it all; he was hurting.

Through every word, each sentence, every syllable that left his mouth, an acid of pushed-back pain burned silently. Behind the gorgeous grey in his eyes pooled grief and sorrow, mixed with a sense of the same paranoia I had seen that night. He was still scared. I didn't dare to bring it up, not wanting to make him uneasy or even more hurt.

"Hey, bus-boy!" a cheery voice called from behind me, snapping me out of my thoughts.

I turned around to see Ashley running toward me, her face illuminated with an excited smile that reached up to the brim of her glasses. I smiled at her, the familiar sight of her happy vibes swarming around me. "Hey!"

She got to a stop right before she could crash into me, resting her hand against a locker. Panting exaggeratedly, her brown eyes looked up at me, specks of amber reflecting from the sunlight shining down on us. Her eyes fell onto a poster messily hanging on a locker door.

"Oooh that's for the annual pumpkin patch event thing!"

I followed her gaze to the poster. "The what?"

She let out a laugh before taking a deep breath. "Sorry, I'm just very ecstatic right now because— no, no, pumpkin patch. Right. That's a poster for the annual pumpkin field, close to the village side, you know?"

"Ohh, do you mean there with those little shops? With the library?"

She excitedly nodded. "Yes! You know there where they have that little coffee shop close to the farmer's land? With the...." she trailed for a moment, "with those— those, ugh dammit! Those yellow things!"

I laughed, knowing what she meant. "The sunflowers, during their mid-summer festival, right?"

Her eyes lit up with even more excitement, as she lifted her finger eagerly. "THE SUNFLOWERS, YES."

The Rink (BXB) (COMPLETE~ UNDER EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now