#1 Locked and Unlocked

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It's been nearly a year. It felt like those three miserable years in Narnia, where Veronica just spent her life in a complete depression.

She didn't know what would be better. If returning to Narnia would make her feel any different. Maybe she would be slightly happier there. It was still the world that made her the happiest. Even tho it was without her lovely Peter.

Peter. She didn't speak about him to anyone in the house. But of course, she couldn't resist thinking about him almost every moment of the day. And about Susan, Lucy and Edmund. About the whole of the world called Narnia.

Veronica had a few ideas to stop her pain. 1. she spent the first few nights trying to get into Narnia through the wardrobe. Unsuccessful. 2. She tried to forget about everything. Everything.

She tried to ignore her feelings. But apparently out of sight out of mind never worked on her. How can you forget someone when you spent more than ten years in their presence? It was simply impossible.

She bearly spoke to the professor or Mrs Macready. And if she did, it was just either about her school homework or just a simple: yes, no, thank you, good night and good morning.

She was completely locked up on the inside.

Just like she wanted to be.


Veronica woke up. It was still summer holidays. Which meant no school. Even tho she was home-schooled, Veronica must admit that with her lack of interest and mainly lack of happiness, she sometimes stayed buried in her schoolwork for a long time.

She went to her dresser to get some clothes for the day. Every time she opened it, it reminded her of the lost lavender shirt. She quickly abandoned the thought as she quickly pulled out the first dress she could see. She put it on and headed her way downstairs to breakfast.

When she got into the room, Professor Kirke and Mrs Macready were already sitting by the table. Both of their heads turned at the door opening and closing.

"Ah, somebody slept in!" Professor jokingly exclaimed as he saw Veronica walk in.

Veronica just simply nodded, with zero emotion. Completely locked up.

They sat eating in silence. Professor Kirke sometimes looked at Veronica. She noticed that. She hated the fact that he got to be with Peter and the siblings after they returned. She hated the fact that he let them go even when they were still worried about her being in Narnia. He's a selfish person.

"Well, I suppose I will get into the cleaning! It's Saturday, my favourite day of all. Cleaning day!" Macready exclaimed as she stood up from the table and headed to the door.

"Veronica if you don't mind, can you wash the dishes please?" She asked while opening the door. Veronica looked up at her and nodded with a slight smile. Macready left after.

"She's a wicked woman. How can someone love cleaning like she does?" Kirke said while laughing. "Imagine spending your whole life with the biggest desire to cle-"

"How do you know about Narnia?"

"What, dear?" Professor asked.

"You never told me how you know about Narnia." Veronica continued. She was surprised to see herself asking such questions. Where did she gather the energy to ask?

Professor Kirke just stayed silent, before taking a big breath. His eyes widened in happiness and the biggest smile grew on his face. It kind of scared Veronica.

"Oh, I've been waiting for you to ask me about it!" He exclaimed. "I've been there, as a young boy along with my friend, we've been one of the first to see it. We've seen it being created!" He was so excited while talking about it.

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