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tw: mental illness, self harm, drug misuse, abuse

I'm dead that's a lot of tws ☠️ if u don't like long books and angst then this is ur chance to get off the book thank u AND I will be exploring a new mental disorder again so yes u will have to figure out what it is

ps, this is from my twitter before I deleted my account to save my sanity so that's why it might be familiar to some of u


Eerie silences took over every now and then, russet eyes taking in every detail of the letter in a tight grip. The sheet made an obnoxious sound as a fist began to form and a part of it teared due to the strong grasp.

Finally a sharp exhale left the man holding it, a bitter sigh leaving him when he finished reading it, "What the fuck is this?"

A woman's features twitched at the poor language, but she let it slide, "Your soulmate." She answered sternly as if she was aware of the outburst ready to be thrown at her.

"I thought I told you guys not to believe in this bullshit?"

"Jeon, it's not bullshit. It's the most advanced thing neuropsychologists have managed to invent- do you know how insane it is to take your brain structure and to find someone who can complement it? And to find that there's a soulmate gene after all which only one person can share with you?" A man spoke this time, raising his eyebrows at Jeongguk who rolled his tongue against his cheek.

"I thought I made it clear that I don't care about some stupid genetic stuff? If you think I'm going to marry someone just because of one thing then you're insane. I'm going to marry someone I love and have known for a while," Jeongguk was firm, but his parents were more stubborn that him.

Mrs. Jeon raised her chin and an amused look formed on her face, "And what makes you think you can get away with not marry him?"

Jeongguk looked at her puzzled, "By-"

"You're a famous CEO, as ridiculous as it is, you have people obsessed with you. Your secretary gets emails asking about your soulmate every month. It's highly frowned upon to go against this biological phenomenon, and you'll quickly lose your reputation if you reject societies new norm." She spoke in a calm and stable tone which irked Jeongguk, it showed that nothing was going to change her mind.

Jeongguk clenched his jaw, glaring at the woman who fiddled with her ring.

"You've faced enough problems with your reputation after all those stupid partners you've had. Do you think anyone will support you for not caring about your soulmate when you own a charity for those who struggle with domestic violence?" She raised her eyebrows.

"Are you really comparing me not wanting to marry my soulmate to domestic violence?" Jeongguk scoffed at her while his father patiently waited for the two to stop arguing.

"No, I was just saying how you're rejecting the idea of love and compassion when your whole company purpose is to help those who didn't receive that. You're just like one of those CEOs that preach for one thing but secretly go do the other," She spoke with distaste, tutting at her son who gritted his teeth even more.

"There's no point in arguing, we've already set for a dinner date with his family. You should be grateful that you have the privilege to know who your soulmate is and to meet him- or grateful that he's a guy because some people's soulmates are the complete opposite of what they want." Mr. Jeon stated and stood up.

"We'll see you on Wednesday night, I've already asked your secretary to clear your schedule for the night. If you're thinking of not showing up, just think about what I said a few minutes ago," Mrs. Jeon stood up too, straightening her Chanel skirt and fixing her long chestnut hair.

"He seems like a lovely boy anyway. It's a little unfortunate he's a little too young, but at least he's over 18- I've cases where some of them have soulmates that aren't even born yet." Mr. Jeon tutted.

"Yeah, that's why this soulmate stuff is bullshit, it doesn't work for everyone." Jeongguk stood up to see the two out.

"Complain all you want, you know that you don't have a choice. He's your soulmate, you two would end up together one way or another, the option you have now is just easier and quicker," Mrs. Jeon gave him a thin smile and picked up her black purse.

"That still doesn't mean I'll accept it."

"He's a pretty boy Jeon, he's a little troubled so it would help his family a lot to get him married. Other than that, he's quite cute and I think you'd date someone like him," She stated and walked over to the door.

"We'll see," Jeongguk mumbled and bid his goodbyes to the couple.

He shut the door angrily and walked back to the paper that was wrinkled on one side and laid flat on the glass table beside an ash tray. Jeongguk read the name her and over again, growing more disgusted at the boy he was yet to me.

Kim Taehyung.

hi guys

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