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Jeongguk worriedly stood at the end of his bed, watching Taehyung squirm on the bed as a nurse carefully drew out some blood and then stood up to place everything away. Then he turned to the doctor that finished checking Taehyung's vitals and hummed.

"His breathing is a little rough and he has a fever- thankfully there is no crackling when he breathed which means he did good at coughing up all that water," The woman spoke to Jeongguk who nodded, "I still want to see him in my clinic for a chest x-ray to be safe- I can't administer any medicine because I don't have his patient files and like you mentioned he might've took some type of drug. Do you know if he's on any medication now?"

"Um yeah, he's on that medication there and he started it just yesterday." Jeongguk pointed at the medicine Taehyung had brought home which he had responsibly moved upstairs.

The doctor picked up the medicine, reading the name with eyebrows raised, "It's used for withdrawal symptoms- so he must've stopped taking drugs? Do you know how long it's been?"

Jeongguk was surprised at the information, "I-I don't know-"

"How long has he been showing the signs for? Like throwing up, shaking, insomnia, cravings and just overall really sick and upset."

"I think a week, he's locked himself inside his room for a week and every time I saw him he looked exhausted but I just assumed he was taking drugs in there." Jeongguk had a guilty face on which grew more when he saw the judgement on the nurses face.

"What kind of soulmate doesn't know when theirs is this sick?" She mumbled, shutting up when she received a glare from the doctor.

"I'm going to prescribe some pain killers, I'll also prescribe some antibiotics if he develops a chest infection but it seems unlikely at the moment. I still want to see him at the clinic so once he's ready could you bring him?"

"Yeah sure." Jeongguk nodded, eyes falling back onto Taehyung who was now curled up and shivering, "Is the shaking from the withdrawals?" He asked, frowning when he received a nod.

"I'm going to start him on antidepressants since this was an obvious suicide attempt and then I'll refer him to a psychiatrist if I think he needs to see one."

"Okay, thank you." Jeongguk politely spoke and took the prescription letter from the doctor who then slid a leaflet into his hand too.

Taehyung furrowed his eyebrows as he listened to distant talking, trying to make best of what the conversation was about but he was far too exhausted to comprehend anything. Then, he heard the door shut and a deafening silence took over.

He took that as the chance to try and sleep now that even his thoughts were quiet, but that unfortunately didn't last long. The urge to get up and take something returned, but he convinced himself not to.

I can't hurt Jeongguk he's doing so much for me. Taehyung told himself and squeezed his eyes shut.

After an hour, he heard the door opening again and a bag rustling beside his head where the bedside table was.

"Are you okay?" Jeongguk's voice spoke and he could feel the man take a seat down beside him. Taehyung could only hum, "You need to take some medicine, sit up."

Taehyung shuddered as Jeongguk gently helped him up and rested him against the bed rest, "I'm really sorry."

"Why are you apologising so much? You didn't do anything wrong." Jeongguk furrowed his eyebrows and kept his hands on Taehyung's thin arms.

"I really didn't want you to deal with it." Taehyung quietly answered.

Jeongguk was still slightly taken aback by Taehyung's vulnerability; he hadn't seen him so quiet and upset before.

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