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Taehyung chugged down another shot, unable to place it down properly at all. He was beyond gone, he knew that mixing drugs with a shit ton of alcohol was lethal but that's what he wanted.

He wanted something that would help him escape from his reality, and nothing was working as well as it used to.

He sat at the bar and placed down the last of his money that he had saved up. That was were most of his money that he stole from other people went; drugs or shots.

"You drink a lot for someone your age, how old are you?" A man sitting beside him raised the question, and for some reason it set something inside of him alight.

Taehyung always had trouble assessing situations, things to him were either really good or really bad there was nothing in between. And this time, he saw the interaction as really bad.

"What the fuck is your problem? I'll drink as much as I fucking want."

"Why the fuck do you have such an attitude?"

Taehyung didn't think any further than that, the second he saw a frown on the man's face he threw himself forward and started attacking the man.

"Security!" The bartender yelled and leaned over the counter to see Taehyung being flipped over and being battered by the much bigger man, "Get off the kid!"

Taehyung didn't bother fighting back anymore, he let himself get ambushed until his face was tingling completely. He managed to gasp for air when security lifted the man off of him, but he didn't have time to just lay there.

He knew that he'd be interrogated and the police would get involved, so he quickly pushed himself up and bolted towards the exit of the club.

Taehyung ran and ran, coughing into his hand which caused some blood in his mouth to spew out. But, his adrenaline levels were way too high to allow him to feel the severity of his wounds.

Jeongguk washed his hands and left the bathroom, his phone buzzed with an notification from Yoongi which allowed him to check the time.

It was almost 2 am, he hadn't gotten a blink of sleep due to his head pounding in pain, the aching had started an hour after Taehyung had left and hadn't eased down a single bit.

It was ruining his mood, he tried hard not to let it control him but it wasn't easy dealing with a tremendous amount of stress and pain.

Jeongguk always got angry at himself for doing bad things to others just because of his irritable mood, but would get angrier when nobody tried to understand his suffering.

Maybe some water will help. Jeongguk carefully walked down the stairs, massaging his temples as he did so until he walked down to the end. He dragged his feet towards the kitchen, but froze when there was knocking at his door.

Must be Taehyung. Jeongguk sighed not in the mood to deal with the boys issues.

He pulled the door open expecting to see a high Taehyung, but instead he saw a face so bruised up he couldn't tell what was wrong with him.

"Taehyung?" Jeongguk worriedly called out for the boy who stumbled inside and fell into Jeongguk arms, "Holy shit- what the fuck?!"

"Get- get off of me," Taehyung groaned and attempted to push past the man but he couldn't move his limbs in time with his thoughts. It was harder when Jeongguk was holding onto him so tight.

"Taehyung!" Jeongguk yelled at the boy who jumped and covered his face with his hands, "What happened?!"

"Get away from me, I wanna go to my room!" Taehyung grunted and weakly shoved Jeongguk who refused to let go.

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