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Taehyung flinched awake to the sound of something clattering downstairs. Panic briefly took over until he realised that he was in Jeongguk's room and not back at home. He also realised that he was tucked fully into bed which made him feel extremely anxious that someone might've touched him wrongly.

Suddenly, his phone which was put on charge by someone else began to ring beside him.

Taehyung was quick to pick it up when he saw that it was Jimin, he placed it against his ear and waiting for the other to speak.

"Hey Tae! How's everything so far? Is your soulmate nice? I saw you guys trending on Twitter today," Jimin excitedly announced, "You guys look so cute together!"

"It was an act, Min, we don't actually like each other." Taehyung sternly told the boy.

"Oh come on, it's was still pretty cute. Did you not have fun at all?"

"No, I really hate it here. All we do is argue, he's always just angry at me over small things and everyone has a problem with me here." Taehyung chewed on his dirty nails anxiously and flinched when he heard a door shut downstairs.

"Are you sure nothing nice has happened?" Jimin sighed, shuffling on the other end, "I know you have a habit where you only see things are really positive or really bad- and so far you only see the worst in everything and completely miss out on the positives."

"No I'm sure, he hates me so much. I'm really scared here," Taehyung's voice shook with an intense emotion, "I'm pretty sure he's just like everyone else, he's gonna get really mad at me one day and hurt me."

"What? Hey, if he-"

"W-wait, I need to go someone's coming upstairs." Taehyung quickly hung up and pulled the covers off of his legs. He attempted to get out of bed, but the second he stood up a sharp pain shot through the side of his body.

"Are you okay?" Jeongguk asked when he stepped inside, eyes instantly picking up on the ugly bruises Taehyung's face had been covered in now that his wounds were settling.

"Yeah," Taehyung breathed out and fearfully watched Jeongguk walk closer to him until he had stopped right in front of him. The man had his arms crossed which made him appear angry, and Taehyung didn't like that.

"They're healing up, I bought a first aid kit this morning so go and wash up, I'll wait for you downstairs."

"I don't need you to help me, I can-"

"Don't fucking show me attitude Taehyung, I'm just trying to be nice alright?"

"I don't need you to be nice." Taehyung continued to bitterly answer him, avoiding his face like always.

Jeongguk sharply inhaled and stepped away from him, "Fine, sort it out yourself."

Taehyung shortly stood up and left Jeongguk's room too, he returned to his own where he locked the door behind him and headed straight for his backpack. There weren't many clothes left which annoyed him since the ones Jeongguk gave him were white and he needed black.

So, he removed his shirt completely and sat down in the same area of the room with his back against the wall. At this point it was out of being used to his everyday routine. If he wasn't harming, he felt like he was losing control over his own behaviour.

The intensity of the anger he felt from Jeongguk trying to help him was making it more desirable too. He wanted to let it out on something. A lot of people would think he was being dramatic, which he thought so too but he didn't have any control over his emotions or how he perceived everything as.

He didn't even realise that he was seeing something so small as something so big and bad. To him, it felt like Jeongguk was showing that Taehyung was incapable of taking care of himself and just wanted to be in control of his vulnerability too.

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