A New Guard for the Night

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"You fucking piece of shit! Shut up!"

"What do you think you're doing here?! You were told to leave!

"Haha! What are you gonna do? Fight me?! You know I'll win!"

"Just...stay away from me..."

"You are the biggest mistake I had the misfortune to create."

"Nothing personal, kid. Just doing good for the rest."




"...Damn...It gets worse by the night." Said a male voice as he opened his eyes from another episode. "I had hoped those things would be gone after that day...guess I was wrong."

He pulled himself up from his resting place, which is his current bed. Looking around, he saw his living room, one of the few blessings he had received.



('And here I thought I could start a 'peaceful' morning.') The male, now named Ellis, sighs as he lazily stood up from the bed. He stretched his body, making his muscles work. ('I guess the peacefulness was to end sooner.')


"COMING, YOU OLD FART!" He shouted back while putting some clothes on. Once done, he looks at the shelf of his room, finding a small...friend that has been with him for years. "Morning Goldie."

'Goldie' as he refers to, was a small teddy bear. It was the size of his hand, 6 inches tall. Its fur was, as the name suggests, gold, with black dots as eyes, and a tiny top hat on its head. It looks childish, not what an, almost, 18-year-old guy would have. Especially seeing it as a 'friend'.

But consider what happened to him...this thing saved his life.

"Another day has come." He said as he walked up to the plush and grabbed it with its left arm. "Hope that today something good happens." He caressed its ear like a dog. "Well, let's go see what Ben has to say." Taking Goldie with him, he left the room to talk with the person on the other side of the door.




"Boy! It's been three weeks!" Shouted a man over 30. White hair, dress in a Hawaiian shirt, and white pants.

"I know Uncle Ben...I just haven't been lucky with getting a job."

"And I cannot blame you. But the deal is at the death end."

Ellis sighs as he remembers the deal he had with his Uncle; a free room until the end of college. It's exactly three weeks since he ended his studies, and was trying to look for a job to pay the rent. But it was hard for him.

Especially with the condition he has. But that's not the main reason.

"Again, I know." Ellis said while rubbing his forehead. "Every job I try to go either says that they'll call me or reject me, and I've been nice saying after they flinch from seeing that. But I haven't given up, I don't want to be a sloth for the rest of my life."

"And that hardworking attitude is what makes me proud of you." Uncle Ben said with a smile. "Honestly, my stupid sister couldn't even try to see this part of you. I'm so ashamed that I'm related to her."

Ellis placed his hand on his uncle's shoulder. "Let's not talk about that. She is gone, and hopefully, we will never see her and the others again."

"Agreed." Ben said before returning to the main point. "Either way, where are you going today?"

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