Night 3; A 'Simple' Game I

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(7:00 PM, Fredina's Entrance)


After eating everything and showering, Ellis dressed and jogged to the building. He could see the old man moving around the front doors in exasperation before he noticed him coming. "Oh! Ellis! Wonderful that you came!" He said in relief.

"Y-Yeah. Sorry for the delay." Ellis said as he huffed. "S-So-"

"I'm sure you have questions. Please come in so you may see it." Mr. Fazbear said as he opened the door and entered, Ellis was right behind him.

He followed the old man to the Parts & Services room. Opening the door, Ellis looked inside and gasped.

The girls were inside but shut down completely, their bodies slumping down while standing. Each one is connected to a charger from the back.

"W-Wow..." Ellis said as he entered inside. "W-What happened?"

"I don't know; the girls came here to recharge. But when I came to check, they all looked like this." Mr. Fazbear said as he walked in and closed the door. "I check the standard procedure should they shut down, but they have nothing wrong."

"...Well...What am I here for again?" Ellis asked, not knowing the main reason to get called here earlier. "Isn't this job for the company or inventor to make?"

"Well, that's the problem." Mr. Fazbear explained. "Usually I have them properly maintained by their expert when something happens. But I was informed that he got into an accident and needs time to heal up, and the usual maintenance is on the weekend of this month. Normally, I would wait but I have a huge party on Friday and the girls must be in top shape." He then made a realization expression. "That's when I remember you saying you knew a bit of mechanics and fixing! I was hoping you could take care of it!"

Ellis blinked in surprise. "...Y-You want me to-" he looked at the girls, feeling a bit conflicted given their words of having to touch them without consent. "B-But sir! This is too much responsibility for me, who just started working and you know nothing of me! Wouldn't I make a problem with your benefactor if an unrelated party does anything to them? And what about Johnny? He's been here far longer than me."

"Worry not, my boy!" Mr. Fazbear patted his shoulder, "I assure you that you will not be doing anything heavy. Just simply have a look inside them to make sure that they aren't missing anything, and you are the only one I can ask as Johnny knows nothing of fixing."

"Again-" Ellis went silent as Mr. Fazbear quickly bowed to him.

"I know I'm asking too much on your first week working, but I truly need your assistance in this!"




"...A-Are there manuals?"


(7:30 PM)


Ellis sighs in defeat as he watches the boss leave in his car. ('I can't believe this.') How he let himself do good things for people in desperation.

Someday, that will come and bite his ass hard.

Closing the doors, he spun around and quickly made his way back to Parts and Services. In there, he peered inside and saw nobody move, "Can't even begin how to start this." He sighs as he goes to the cabinet and finds the blueprints for each girl's layout. "How did they even land in this state?"

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