A 'Simple' Game II

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(8:15, Kitchen)


Ellis reached the kitchen after putting the plushies back in his office. Looking inside, he saw a note on the table with a box at the side and a lock on it.

('That must be the next task.') He thought as he walked in and grabbed the note to read.

"Good job on the Prize Corner! Bonfie thought it would be a good challenge for you!

('Well, at least I can't get mad at that.') Ellis thought as he figured out that Bonfie thought of that.

"So, here's a box; a locked box. A four-digit lock. That's all you'll get. Have fun~"

Multiple eye twitches happened in his eyes. Taking deep breaths from the huge brain damage he just got, he looked at the lockbox. Grabbing it, he inspected it and saw the lock had a combination of four numbers. "Okay...so given the number, there must be some sort of clue."

Looking around, he saw several options as to what could possibly be caused by the combination. ('Alright. The options are big, so let's try narrowing it down...') He began to think as he looked at the note once again...

And an idea pops out.

"Hold on. Bonfie was the one who made the challenge back in the prize corner, right?" Ellis said. "And considering their secretiveness, Chiku did this, right?" Closing his eyes, he began to think dive, ('So perhaps there's something related to her preference?')

But what could probably be used that it's related to her food? Ingredients?

He opened his eyes to look around once again, and his eyes landed on a menu with girls' day form images on it. Each one holding a pizza and saying their description of its ingredients.

Focusing on Chiku's dialogue, "One large cheese pizza with nine sausages with an eight size coke for seven dollars! What a great deal!"

Ellis blinked at that and thought, ('Well, it's a start.') Ellis thought before grabbing the lock and placing the numbers in the order he read.


"Huh. So I was right." He removed the lock and placed it to the side as he proceeded to open it...

Being welcomed by another lockbox.

"But of course." Ellis rolled his eyes, knowing that this wasn't supposed to be easy. Taking the box out, he looked at the lock to see it was a four-digit letter lock. "So instead of a combination, is a word." This will be tricky.

What the heck does Chiku like that has four words?


He tried that first...No sound.

('I feel quite relieved.') Ellis sighs in joy. He wouldn't admit it, but Chiku being the chef and the joke she made yesterday made her sound a bit cannibalistic.

...Why do I feel some sort of irony leaving?

Shaking his head, he focuses once again, ('Think, what does Chiku like aside from food.')



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