Into the Pirate's Cove

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(Fredina's Corridor Hall, 1:55 AM)


{X} Change light bulbs in Main Stage

{X} Restock prizes in Prize Corner

{X} Clean Kitchen (IMPORTANT: Use the specific toothbrush on the sink pipes)

{ } Adjust props in Pirate Cove and clean Fexa's room.

"Alright...Just one last thing to do." Ellis breathed heavily. He had finished cleaning the kitchen, with the help of Chiku, and was now walking to the last place he needed to go, very nervous about it.

To resume and refresh minds, a few hours ago, he had a small conflict with Fexa, the animatronic in charge of the room. The fox girl had caught sight of a misunderstanding situation, and in all her power, told him to 'get the fuck out' before she mutilates him into pieces.

Hoping for things to calm down, Ellis went to clean the kitchen and received a gift from Chiku that will help him mellow the pirate's humor.

Now, here he was. Standing in front of the cove of the piracy, already felt dread and discomfort inside him. His left arm is holding tight to the object that will (hopefully) help out here. ('Alright Ellis. Just one last thing; clean up props. Nothing difficult...ignoring that inside might be the only creature that is looking for an opportunity to kill you. No pressure.')

So why were his shoulders so heavy?

"Come on. up already." Ellis shook his head as he shakily took a step inside the cove. Peeking in, he saw several costumes and props scattered throughout the place. "Huh...this is a bit messy..." He looked around the place as he walked in, seeing nor hearing any sign of Fexa. "Perhaps she's still with Bonfyie...I think is for the best." He went to a table and placed the item for Fexa on it. "Alright, let's do this quick."


(A bit later)


"Agh! That took too long, not sure how that was possible." Fexa whined as she stretched her sore shoulder.

Seriously, how does one take almost two hours to fix a stand? Rather, how hard is it to clean one box?

('Thinking through, I should've just made the guard just kneel on the wall until I got the story from Bonfyie.') Fexa sighs internally as perhaps scaring the guy away might not be the best course of action.

Nothing that she can do now. Guess that...she should apologize for the scare. ('Argh! I know I shouldn't feel disgusted in apologizing like this, but I can't help it!? Even if he is still a kid, what if he is just hiding his real intentions!?') She frantically scratches her hair, trying to have a justified reason for having the idea of that.

She warned. He responded. Why is it so hard to trust?

Is one of life's greatest mysteries-


Fexa's ears twitched when she heard voices coming away. More specifically, in her room. Narrowing her eyes, she quickly zips next to the entrance and slowly peeks her head inside.

Her eye patch snapped up to allow both of her eyes to be seen.

Her cove was organized. Most of the props were placed back in their position. Clothes were organized and even looked to be completely ironed perfectly, there was even a disconnected iron in the table, a small puff of smoke coming out. Her prop ship was folded up and seems to have been dusted off, she swears she saw a sparkle on the deck.

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