A 'Simple' Game Part III

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(9:40 PM, Pirate Cove)

Ever so slowly peeking inside the room, Ellis entered Pirate Cove. The place seems clean enough, nothing out of the ordinary.

Everything looks to be in order.

“Looks can be deceiving.” Ellis said as he walked to the table, where a note awaited him.

“If you are here, that means you solve the kitchen puzzle! Congrats! Now, you are halfway done.”

(‘Good to know.’)

“So here is the deal; Pirate Cove is Fexa’s turf. She has a stage to act and she’s a good pirate, it's literally her job. But the cove thing? Is more real than most would think.”


You see, Fexy has a few hidden small compartments around the room. Is how she gets her weapons for her acts and out of nowhere.”

“Mystery solved, Gang!” 

“Your new mission is to find the compartment with the item you need. Good Luck~”

“Bonfie, you and I will have a talk about this so-called ‘hints’.” Ellis grumbled as he placed the paper down and looked around. “Okay…let's see.” he looked at the ship. “I wonder if there's plans of the stage.” He said as he went on it.

Looking around, he noticed a small ‘x’ sticker on the floor. “That must be where she stands to act.” Walking to it, he stood on the mark and looked around. He had closed a barrel, so he quickly went and began to prone around it.


He accidentally pressed a button.

The barrel opened a hatch from the side and revealed a few sword props. He began to inspect everything, making sure that he wasn't missing anything.

“Nothing here.” Ellis placed the last prop back on the hatch before closing it. “Okay, so let's see how many ‘x’ are around.” He brought a piece of paper and quickly made a drawing of the ship and its position. 

Fast forward to almost an hour, Ellis sighs as he closes the second last prop into the hidden hatch. 

“Not this one either.” He took out the piece of paper he used to draw the places where the spots were. 

Eleven places were searched, but none had something in it that he needed.

“Only one place left.” And that was where he was headed, a small position that was close to the TV section. Probably for Fexa to stay close to the children when they watch it.

No idea why she would put weapons in there but their props, so everything should be okay.

The keyword ‘should be’.

Reaching the place, he placed himself on when Fexa stood and looked around. He found a button behind the shelf where the TV stands. Pressing it, a small hatch opened.


Something hit Ellis squared on the stomach, he found himself gagging as he fell back, holding his stomach. “Oh…God! W-What the Hell?!”


A piece of paper fluttered on his view and landed in front of him. In agony, he moved his left arm and grabbed the paper as he stood up. 

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