Night Two, Starting Small

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(Later, 9:50)


"Hey there! You're the night guard, right?"

Ellis blinks at seeing a young man in his late 20 right in front of the building. He was slightly bigger than him, by one or two inches. He sported the same outfit he was given; with the name tag 'Day Guard' as an addition. He was blonde-haired, punk-style, with a piercing on his nose. He wasn't buff, but he sure ain't lanky. "Johnny Metonks, we talk on the phone." He introduced himself.

"R-Right." Ellis nodded. "I'm the night guard, Ellis. I...presume that Mr. Fazbear informed you?"

"Yep! Come, let me show you what to do." Johnny motioned for him to follow as they went inside the pizzeria. "I really must say, it's good to have you here. You have no idea how tiring it was to stay awake all day and night. I mean, I have no problem with the extra hours, but there is so much my body can handle before I crumble over exhaustion."

Ellis nodded, knowing fully well that the body needs to rest, especially when every night one needs to go back to a place where he is threatened to be killed through forceful methods.

"I'm just glad I don't have to close my doors every time the robots peek in my office. Good God, it would have been creepy if they talked back to me."

Johnny sounded like he was joking around, which made Ellis raise an eyebrow in confusion. "What? They didn't talk to you?"

The blonde shook his head. "Thankfully, it wasn't that kind of trauma. Can you imagine them just coming to the office and speaking with their voice box robotically? Dear heaven, I might need to see a therapist."

"...So about the recording-"

"Yeah. Sorry about that." Johnny chuckled embarrassingly. "I usually have this tendency to make a small joke, though the robots visiting would be a scare. Boss chewed me hard on that."

"...Not funny." Ellis replied, somehow managing to hide his blue feeling. "Just, not funny." ('Okay. Either I did eat a cocaine lazed pizza, heavy amount, or whatever happened yesterday...didn't happen at all and I somehow was dream walking.') "So...what do I have to do? I mean, janitor stuff?"

"Ah, glad you asked! See here..."


(Later, 10:20 PM)

Ellis raised an eyebrow at the checklist that was in his office. While still knowing what Johnny has told him, he receives a reminder to make sure that everything is to be investigated and cleaned up.

His eyebrow-raising, however, wasn't about the chores nor Johnny's casual pat of good luck as he left.

It was a simple one: "How the fuck did a janitor managed to clean a kitchen sink with a toothbrush only?" No joking, there was an 'IMPORTANT!' stamp right in there. "Better yet, why is it a toothbrush? Does it have teeth I don't know about?" He turned to the desk, and his jaw properly fell at seeing the size of the object. "How small are those pipes?"

"Very small."

Ellis yelped and jumped forward, looking back to see Fredina, still in her day form. "Hello, Ellis. So good to have you back. A bit early than yesterday, I must say."

"Oh...Hey." Ellis awkwardly answered. "Y-Yeah. Got a call from the boss asking for a bit of help after the janitor jumped ship."

"Oh yeah. Good old Max." Fredina sighs, "Shame he left. But, I did hear him saying he had to return to face some past; something about a Toy Factory and missing employees."

Nights at Fredina's and then some!Where stories live. Discover now