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Waking up at 8 am I decided that today was going to be a good day. A bowl of granola and yoghurt later had me feeling a bit optimistic. I began searching for new opportunities and that was what the rest of my week looked like. My weekly article for H Magazine's topic, was on one of the trips Roman and I had taken when we were younger and how free I felt at that moment.

He had just wrapped his first big screen movie and we were celebrating in Mauritius. Essentially we ate, we fucked and we laughed. I wrote about my favorite memory of when we arrived from the airport, we were stayed at a villa that was built on the water. As soon as we dropped our bags Roman picked me up, ran outside and jumped into the cool water with me in his arms. My mind didn't even have a chance to register what was going on until it was too late.

I yelled at him for ruining my weave that I had just gotten installed the previous night. He didn't even give me a chance to take any bikini pictures with it. I was big mad but let it go after a while. In that moment I sort of felt like Kim when she lost her diamond earing and when I had said this to Roman he laughed so hard and just like that our vacation was saved. My editor loved it.

It was Friday night and I was shortlisting the big upcoming auditions that were happening in my city. Once I was done I finally switched my phone on again. I didn't want it to distract me in any way. A minute later it rang. "Bitch, I knew you weren't trying to hide from me. Something told me you wouldn't be that dumb", Olympia said, sounding mighty pissed.

"Bestieeeeeeeeee, the bitch assed device died and I couldn't find the charger but anyway what are the Vibes...tell me what are they saying what are they saying." She chuckled, enjoying our ghetto banter, "The streets are saying imma beat your ass if you ever do that again but let's hit San Andreas for cocktails and then maybe Embers for the main event. I think David Guetta is playing and I have tickets." Excitement filled my body.

I needed this night out to escape from my life and to just not feel like the 27 year old loser I felt like every day. "Bet, let me hop into the shower and then I will get dressed and do makeup." "Nah Bitch, come open for me, I'm outside." I laughed all the way to the door and swung it open.

"After that stunt you pulled I don't trust you." I embraced my best friend.

"Baby are you okay?" She asked moving to the kitchen and grabbing a bottle of sparkling wine and opening it. She poured the golden liquid into two flutes and handed me one. I took a few sips and exhaled.

"Its been one of those weeks you know where you just realise how much of a loser you are and how you are never going to succeed but fuck it lets drink. I just want to forget and have a good assed time. She nodded sympathetically.

"Go shower," she said shooing me away and playing some Kanye to get us hyped. Two hours later we were done getting ready and had drained the entire bottle. We called the uber and then we were out. We arrived relatively early and were given a table with a nice view of the city at San Andreas.

"So how is Roman?" she asked once we had our Long Islands in front of us.

"Um, he is good. Like super busy, he wants to work on his own album, but he has to do a remix or two with some high profile people."

"Sucks to be him innit?" she asked cheekily. I laughed amused.

"You know sometimes when he complains about his life, I just look at him like is he serious? You are doing what you love, you are successful. Your record label is not fucking you over, you own the rights to all your music, even though you have to compromise every now and then. Overall, you're living the dream." She shook her head.

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