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"Shutup Ares, how do you have a new male companion that I don't know about and now you're on holiday on an island with mystery man and I had to find out on social media? Are you kidding me?" I laughed at her hysteria.

"Ma'am, its Director Park." Her mouth went round. "Oh, shit bitch, shut the fuck up! How, when like what?!!"

"I bumped into him after running some errands whilst I was getting lunch and then we went to the driving range did a bit of golf. He had mentioned he was going away, and impulsively I was like take me with you. After golf I'm thinking we're headed home our separate ways but nope. He tells me pack your shit and let's go. So obviously I was like bet and here I am."

She still had the shocked expression on her face. "Mate you know this doesn't sound as regular as you are making it seem."

"Mate I'm the one living it and I can barely believe that it's happening to me. Literally, it seems like he has changed overnight. He is so affectionate, wants to jump my bones every other minute. Oh, I joined the mile high club last night."

"Forgive me as I pass away from information overload." She said dramatically pretending to faint. I giggled and filled her on the steamy shower Taesung, and I had had last night.

"I think what's mad is that I have to be in bathing suits the entire time we are here and I put some on that weren't flattering."

"Girl Bye. I mean the one you posted yesterday? You ate that shit up and left no crumbs period!" "Thanks babe, I appreciate you. How have you been? I've been such a shit friend lately and I have used the excuse of you working and I feel bad," she said quietly.

"As you should ho. But I've been good just dealing with Roman." She rolled her eyes. "Speaking of, has he reached out to you yet?" I told her about the phone call. "Okay at least he is going to the source, he asked to meet saying he hasn't been in a good space since that break you guys decided to take. So, I'm like let me meet this man you know and hear him out. Does he not start complaining about how he is suffering and how unfair you have treated him."

"There's no way," I said laughing without humour.

"That's what I said. I told him listen you made your bed and now lie in it. You can't behave like you don't have a girlfriend and then when she finds out you play victim. Like fuck off." I exhaled. "I think he is going through some shit but I won't be answering to him and he will not be finding out about Taesung and I from me."

"SOooo... there is a you and Director Park?" she said wiggling her eyebrows suggestively. I laughed and waved her away. "Not sur yet but I'm just enjoying his company. Mate he is ripped, like I used to look at him in those white shirts and wonder if he was muscular or was it just that the shirts were tailored. How is your man?"

"Bitch I'm single. Like we broke up and I am going on dates."

"Are you jokes man?" I asked surprised.

"Yeah. Because he also wants to be 'Mr can't keep my dick in my pants' he goes, I will pick which of you ladies I like the most and I was like let me make it easier for you."

"As you should babe. Monogamy is such a foreign word to men these days and I just don't understand it. Like sir why must you have bitches?" She sighed.

"You must ask your hubby there if he doesn't have nice friends who are single."

"Does he even have friends," I said and then we both busted into laughter.

"I didn't mean it like that and you know it," I said trying to stop the tears that were now rolling down my cheeks. "But on a serious note, he does get invited to a lot of events. I will ask his PA which ones are the nice ones. I need to first bribe her because she hates me."

She rolled her eyes. "She probably hates you because she wanted him for herself.

"Yikes," I said. "Yikes is correct," she affirmed. Then Taesung popped his head into the lounge where I had been snuggled on one of the couches speaking to Olympia. "Have you had breakfast?" he asked. "Isn't it late for breakfast, shall we do brunch?" I asked enjoying the view of him in a towel.

"Bitch you're practically drooling. Is he standing there naked let me take a peek." Olympia begged on my screen. I scowled down at her. Taesung chuckled drily. "I don't mind if you don't," he teased raising his eyebrows suggestively. "I don't share my men." I said to both of them. He chuckled and then said let's have brunch outside by the pool in an hour. I finished off my call with Olympia and then showered and got ready.

The brunch was delicious, and the company made it even better. Taesung teased me like he usually did but there was a level of gentleness that hadn't been there previously. We had just finished making love and were lying in the bed naked and watching the sunset. He was making a trail up and down my spine which was soothing.

"What's on your mind?" he asked me quietly. "I'm still in shock at how you pulled my hair when you fucked me from behind," I snapped jokingly. He laughed at this. "But on the real though the hair might just come off, you realize that this isn't my real hair right? He continued laughing.

"Taesung if you rip my wig off during sex, I will never forgive you!" I said laughing at how ridiculous I sounded. "This is nice," I said nuzzling his chest contentedly.

"Tell me something that a lot of people don't know about you," I said looking into his fathomless eyes. He was quiet for a moment contemplating.

"I own many properties around the world—." "Boring!" I yelled interrupting him.

"Give me something juicy, not something I can find on the internet or Forbes List."

"You go first. Lead by example," he returned. "Well..." I was quiet for a few minutes trying to think of something.

"I thought my father had died from a heart condition because that's what my mother had told me, growing up but it turns out he just didn't want anything to do with my mother and I. He called me a few weeks ago to congratulate me on my success and to inform me that he wanted to reconnect. He said that his genes were the genes of winners and that he would like to introduce me to my siblings who are doctors, lawyers and investment bankers. 

How does someone ignore you for 26 years and then once you gain some fame decides you are actually worth his attention?" I turned away from him and angrily wiped away my tears. Maybe I had gone too deep, but the words sort of just tumbled out of my mouth. I had tried to forget the entire ordeal. Why had I won the lottery of having two shitty parents?

He didn't comment but kept rubbing my back. Then silence followed whilst I tried to get my emotions in check. "I...I... um have a childhood friend who is promised to me." He said after what seemed like an eternity. For a moment, I had even forgotten that we were sharing personal things about out lives. My focus had diverted int trying to get my spinning emptions in check. 

As soon as I heard his words and understood the full meaning of what they meant, my body stiffened and turned to look at him. "Like promised to in, what sense Taesung?" I asked him, waiting for him to confirm what I already knew.

"As in marriage, but listen," he said grabbing my arm and pulling me back onto him and stopping me from leaving. "I haven't proposed or taken any steps to fulfilling the promise. Our families meet up once a year.

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