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I gave her an apologetic smile and looked outside. "I mean you looked so erotic in the mes—" "Taesung please," I begged him to stop as he chuckled at how uncomfortable I was. "Are you hungry?" he asked. "How far are we from landing?"

"Give or take another hour."

"How far is the airfield from the place where we will be staying?"

"Maybe another hour."

"Can I get like granola, with yoghurt? And since we're on vacation may I have a mimosa with that." The lady nodded and then shifted her attention to Taesung. "You're not going to have a proper breakfast? Please don't tell me you're going to be starving yourself for the duration of the trip."

"No, I just want something light now and then I will have a proper breakfast when we arrive at the place." He decided to not argue with me and ordered his own full breakfast that was served in what seemed like a dining area. "This Jet is pretty spacious," I commented. "It's the new company Jet that seats 20 people and has 5 rooms."

"Don't tell me, we are the first ones to use it?" "Yes, we are, my father asked me to try it out when I informed him I would be travelling."

"But since it's not carrying as many people as it has space for aren't you losing money?" He smirked. "Yes, it takes twice as much fuel as a smaller aircraft and if you also consider the fact that we have been flying for roughly 11 hours, it makes it that much more costly."

"How large is the tank?" I asked bewildered. "We stopped to refuel about 3 hours ago, we were only stationary for about an hour."

"Oh." I grabbed one of his waffles and started eating it. "Are all women the same? You were offered any food item of your choice and refused but here you are in my plate." I laughed.

"Your food looks good, take this as a compliment." In the corner of my eye, I saw the airhostess from earlier smiling. Once breakfast was done, we returned to our seats to get ready for landing procedures. We landed and disembarked then Taesung did the whole immigration process whilst I waited in an SUV by the airfield. "You're very different from the other women I have seen Director Park with," our main airhostess commented. I looked up from my phone. "In what sense?" I asked puzzled by her need to inform me that. She was quiet for a moment as if she was contemplating whether or not she should say anything more. I smiled warmly at her. "I promise I'm not the type of person to report things like that."

She giggled and then said, "You're the first dark skinned woman, without a model physique. Most of the other women know that they are with Director Park for a moment, and they usually try to not piss him off. I've never heard him also speak so crassly." I felt my face heat up at her mention of how Taesung had said we messed up the master bedroom. Her brown eyes were twinkling with mirth, and she was doing her best to not laugh out loud. I smiled at her, "I don't know if we will become anything serious but for now, I'm just in the moment and just want to see where our relationship will go."

A shadow seemed to have come and passed her face when I said the word serious. "How long are you going to be on the island for?" I asked ignoring what I saw. "Until we leave," she said. "Let's have some drinks sometime. I know Taesung probably has a few friends that he will want to see, its nice to have someone who isn't afraid to speak her mind." She looked taken aback, "I would love that, can I bring the other girls?" she asked.

"Yeah sure, I wouldn't mind. And we can drink Taesung's money!!!!"

"I swear this job gets better and better. I am now on holiday and will be hanging out with a movie star." I laughed, "I have only been in one movie and it's too soon for us to say anything about the movie."

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