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Hi everyone, as promised here is that bonus chapter. Please enjoy and i promise the next update will be on Saturday the 5th of August.  Enjoy

I apologize in advance for the cliffhanger ;)

A few days passed with me just recovering at home. After about a week I returned to the set. "I recall giving you a few days off, not a week," quipped Director Wright. "You guys are lucky I'm not suing you for emotional damages and giving exclusive interviews after that stunt Director Park pulled last week," I responded sassily.

"Honestly, I played no part in it. I just did as I was told. You spend 30 years in this business and a runt walks in who has half the experience and starts telling you what to do because he has money and power," he mumbled the last part to himself but I was within hearing range. I chose to ignore it and go into hair and makeup for the last time. We just had one more scene to film. We finished at 4 am in the morning despite the late hour we were all in high spirits. "Everyone gather up," Assistant Director Judy called us together. "Director Wright and I have a few words to say. Director Wright, you can go first."

"This project started on rocky terms with a female lead that I was forced to take on but what it became... is something I never thought was possible. We created art, a masterpiece that will be remembered in people's hearts because we all put our hearts, soul and all into this project and for that I am grateful. I am also grateful to have worked with such talented individuals. Thank you for your time, thank you for your patience and thank you for believing in our vision." We all clapped in response to his heartfelt words.

"Hi again everyone. I'm sure you were wondering why there were three directors on set, I am the one who wrote this story and..." Judy began to tear up.

"Let me give you some context, I graduated and began working on sets as a stage hand until I had gotten the role of assistant director but I had this story that I spent 5 years writing. I tried many times to give it to different directors but they all told me to focus on what I'm good at, which is directing. I gave up after my previous employer said the same thing to me and then one day, I had the luck of seeing Director Park at a bar. Everyone knows director Park rarely is seen in public, I thought to myself, this is my chance. I always travel with my story in my car, so I ran to my car and took the last copy I had. I told myself this is the last time. If I am rejected for the 18th time in my life, I will finally let it go.

Director Park was in VIP of cause so I remember there was a bouncer and I was trying to explain to him that Director Park is my employer and I wanted to give him something. I made such a fuss that the security called in another person to assist and by a stroke of luck Director Park saw me and waved me in. Even though he looked annoyed. They allowed me to go in, mind you at that point I had never had a conversation with Director Park directly. I had always just greeted him in passing and he would just nod at me. I wasn't even sure if he knew my name or even knew me. I gave him the folder and explained and he looked so disappointed and irritated that I almost took it back but I told myself one more time. Just one more. He finished his drink and grabbed the folder and told me to never approach him like that but I could order anything on his open tab." We all chuckled, because that definitely sounded like Park Taesung.

"So a few weeks go by and I decide he has rejected my script and it's time to give up on my dreams and die a slow death doing something I love but knowing there was something I loved more. I recall it was a random Tuesday, where I was called into his office. I almost shitted my pants because I thought he was going to finally punish me for approaching him the way I did and for ordering a bottle of Ace of Spades on his tab, I knew that I would never get another chance to taste such expensive liquor." We all chuckled again. I looked around the room and noticed that we were all engrossed in the story she was telling us. She really had a way with words and storytelling.

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